Yes or no?
Southfield stay or go?
Will Southfield stay or be dissolved? One department is already being relocated to Florida.
RTO Changes official
Starting 1/1/25, now expected in office 50% of the time (10-12 days per month)
Happy Anniversary
Today is both a happy and sad day. Four years ago after countless promises Paul Reilly laid off 550 human beings. I happen to be one of those 550. I am hopeful that all those 550 landed on their feet and today are where they want to be. Hopeful... — read more
No Quarterly Update with Paul Reilly?
The Q3 quarterly update was quietly canceled. I can't think of a missed meeting since the mustachioed menace first appeared 14 years ago. Thoughts?
So starting in September mandatory 2 days in office, early next year 3-4days a week???? What happened to we'll always be hybrid from now on?? Just another way mid level supervisors aka babysitters can micromanage.
Org changes
So I am hearing tech leadership is moving up the ladder ?
What firms are better than RJ but local?
I’ve been at RJ 20+ years and really need to start looking elsewhere. Too many promises and never the execution- I know many people have jumped ship and couldn’t be happier. Where’s the top places to look at? RJ isn’t the same and will never be- the... — read more
Southfield location moving???
Anyone else hear the rumors of the Southfield location moving? Security, office services losing jobs?
Rumors of more layoffs
I've been hearing more rumors about layoffs in March. Could this be true?
Bring on the music videos!
We can’t get enough of them.
Thanks for all you do su-kazzzz!
Paul and the gang sincerely appreciate it. “2% for thee but not for me.” Congratulations on your 100% increase Paul. You deserve it! Who knew a few weeks ago that the “headwinds” the peon class had to sacrifice for were the double and triple digit... — read more
Threatened with HR Plan (PIP) by my manager
My manager has threatened me with HR plan, if I dont pull my socks within 1-2 months. I have got a 4 rating (meets expectation) in annual performance with bonus and raise barely meeting the inflation rate. I joined in Feb 2023 and we have been having... — read more
Harry and David chocolate towers
Word is getting out that only certain people in IT received an expensive Harry and David chocolate tower from “Bella and IT Senior Leadership”. Anyone know the pattern around who got one and why not everyone?
Tell Me What You Make
I loathe the lack of transparency around salary and benefits at RJ. Once upon a time they at least posted grade levels, but that suspiciously disappeared after an annual survey a few years back. So, my questions are: What is your grade level? What... — read more
Happy 3 year anniversary to the 550
just wish to offer best wishes to the 550 let go 3 years ago. Hope everyone is doing well. Can't wish enough bad tidings to Paul, Bella and Vin.
PCG Smirnoff Ice
Are folks still getting Iced in the PCG Consulting group?
Heard of layoff regarding several in RCS Management
Last Tuesday I heard of a layoff of management in RCS. Mostly ex CCD management. Is there any loyalty left?
coming up on 3 years since 550 laid off. Trying to gauge interest?
So we are nearing the 3 year anniversary since 550 people had their lives changed forever. I was one of those. Some of us were able to handle this situation while others suffered. Just trying to see if there is enough interest to have a gathering... — read more
Bye Sateesh
Yup. Gone.
Hey RJ employee, did you get a 37% raise like Paul did?
Raymond James CEO Paul Reilly, meanwhile, took home $13,901,046 in 2021, an increase of 37% over 2020. That makes Reilly the highest-paid executive of a publicly traded broker-dealer
Poor Paul he had to sell some stock.
Paul C. Reilly sold 24,016 shares of Raymond James stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, December 14th. The stock was sold at an average price of $111.27, for a total value of $2,672,260.32. Following the transaction, the chief executive... — read more
RayJay Chief Paul Reilly Granted $15M Award to Facilitate CEO Succession Plan
Isn't it great that Paul is given 15 million to look for his replacement. What a world we live in.
401K Benchmarking Exercise - Assistance Requested
I currently work at BNY Mellon. Our CEO recently announced a change to the 401K plan. Currently our company match (max 7%) is implemented each pay period. Starting in 2023, the match will be paid at the end of the year (actually, three months after... — read more
Just checking in.
Haven't seen any postings for awhile. Wondering how things are now at RJ. I was one of the lucky ones that left on my own terms after the big layoff 2 years ago. Hoping all that are still at RJ are mostly thinking of themselves since RJ management... — read more
I'm free
Well after 2+ years I'm out at RJ. I've been with RJ a little more than 10 years and have seen ups and downs. The downs far outnumber the ups. When I first started there were happy faces everywhere. No happy faces these days. People are doing... — read more
Happy 2 year anniversary to the 550
It's been 2 years. For some of us, happy years, for others not so much. Some struggled some succeeded in moving on. If you care to share let us know how you are doing and how you landed.
Pay grades
Hi everyone. I’m trying to figure out for operations what you would expect for pay as an 18. Or the pay jump that would come from going 17 to 18. I’ve heard so many different things but was hoping someone could give a more solid answer. Thank you!!! — read more
Do you feel sad for those still working at RJ?
I know it is nearly 2 years now but I still hold a grudge...especially to all the senior execs that did the layoff and ruin of 550 lives. I find it interesting that when I go look at the open positions currently at RJ they consistently have well... — read more
Just curious...of those RIF'd two years ago...
I personally haven't been at RJ in a long time but I spent a couple decades there previously. A thought that crossed my mind when I keep hearing different names impacted by the RIF two years is that the UBSers and their crews all stayed, but the vast... — read more
Can't believe in 1 month it will have been 2 years since 550 people were let go and lives changed forever.
I was one of those that was freed from the ball and chains of RJ IT (think Bella, Vin, Andy). For the 1st 3 months it took a lot for me to decompress and come to grips to what happened. After that I rebounded and found a great IT job in Tampa (I'm... — read more
What is with all the resignations in Technology?
I know first hand it stinks to work in Technology, as I've been dealing with this misery for 7 years. We have a ton of open positions because people keep leaving. Now a bunch of VPs and SVPs (the good ones) have resigned?!? Bella, Vin and Andy are... — read more
how will you spend your $1000?
Did you hear...tell it from the mountain tops.....Paul has graciously agreed to hand out $1000 bonuses tomorrow to offset inflation. How nice of Paul
I'm trying to understand...
how is it possible that this place, from a very nice workplace, so quickly became a place that most of us would not recommend to anyone?
What’s wrong at Raymond James?
Just saw over 550 job openings on their website and over 250 are newer postings. Guess people are leaving as fast as they are hiring. Brain drain must be bad.
Client Access and supporting help desk is Garbage
Long time account holder with considerable assets. Constant issues with automatic payments......never any reason for the issues, just ask me 100 questions that they already have the answer to, then say everything will be in good shape now as if they... — read more
Anyone still at RJ care to tell us how things really are?
I'm long gone and out of touch except with a couple close friends and most of them have also left RJ. I put in nearly 20 years and countless hours, nights, weekends to this company and was fine with it until it became clear after the most recent... — read more
Do you expect layoffs at RJ any time soon?
Some competitors are cutting.