Topics regarding layoffs at Terex Corp.

Topics regarding layoffs at Terex Corp.

Terex Layoffs 2025

How likely is that there will be Terex layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

| 40 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1vpGlJz6

Layoffs at Terex

Yes, they’re laying off workers at Terex. They had company wide layoffs Feb 2019 and more will be laid off if they can’t sell all the inventory they produced in 2018. Terex is the most ill managed company I’ve worked for in 20 years. JLG will eat... — read more 

| 4623 views | | 5 replies (last January 6, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+XXeisxN

Terex Layoffs 2017

I spent last 10 years with our company and it'd be a real shame if they were to decide to lay people off from our offices in Westport.

| 2365 views | | 2 replies (last May 5, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+Kv4xPHn

Terex Layoffs 2016

What is the likelihood of Terex layoffs in Westport in 2016? Please let me know if you have any information.

| 2573 views | | 1 reply (July 19, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+EjdXRvy

2015 Layoffs at Terex

If the price of oil continues to drop, Terex will continue to go down. Less profits more pressure on executives to make money, so they will lay off people

| 2194 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+ykBHHMI

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