Topics regarding layoffs at Vera Bradley Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Vera Bradley Inc.

Gutted 2025

Big layoff at VB in January 2025. It was like a scene from a movie - people getting meeting invites from HR , others just standing around waiting for a manager to tap them on the shoulder and tell them they are out. Wide eyes as the surprise sets in... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jkb8xk4t

Layoffs coming to Vera Bradley

This will not be insignificant. I know there are other ways to cut costs but let's face it, the easiest one is to get rid of as many employees as they can. With this leadership, that's guaranteed to be the main source of cost cuts. I've already... — read more 

| 940 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1hVIOXnc


| 860 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+14jOp7J9

Paid leave of up to two weeks at Vera Bradley

The 24rd of 03-2020 employees told that if they didn't feel safe working because of the virus, they could take a 2 week paid leave. Sign the sheet if you want to stay. Sign another if you want go. Meeting at the end of shift. Could be longer than 2... — read more 

| 820 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+14btxro5

Stats please

Out of the 1,000 lay offs how many were male? Women handbag company is run by male CEO? No knowledge of VB and the respect for woman. A Female veteran was laid off, what’s that all about? #GenderDiscrimination

| 1404 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+RDm3A3s


They gave only 3 days notice and also let go of full time leads, not even giving them the option to go part-time to transition to another job themselves nor for the Store Manager who is now stuck with all the responsibilities (most of which are... — read more 

| 1603 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+RxYztrp

***BEWARE*** To All Vera Bradley Employees

Vera Bradley Heartless Towards Loyal Employees... Vera Bradley has Just Laid off all Full Time Employees at the Woodbury Commons in Hariman NY. Full time employees were Told they would be Terminated Immediately to make room for Part Time Workers... — read more 

| 5370 views | | 4 replies (last March 26, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+RwLETV3


For a company that started between ‘friends’ sure is on a downward spiral just like a friendship falling out. The company announced yesterday that the Full Line stores will be eliminating all Assistant Manager positions. The backbone of the... — read more 

| 2030 views | | 4 replies (last February 7, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+RwC8ys9

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