Green Bay WI had 80-90 professional jobs laid off in 2022 and no one even talked about it! Sad part is they laid off the jobs and sent them as contracted work to India! Talk about a company not here for the American People!
How many employees does Treehouse Foods have?
Anyone knows how many employees does Treehouse Foods have?
it's down and not working
120 Jobs Lost in Minneapolis
I think sales of divisions is coming. Don't know what the future holds for the saint Louis office but the culture, the morale of the people and the lack of openess and reassurance from treehouse does not leave the warm and fuzz. Like walking into a... — read more
2019 job cuts in THF?
Do you think there will be cuts in 2019? What's your take?
Omaha closing....Is St. Louis next?
They closed the Omaha office laying off about 200 people. Could the St. Louis office be next? Has anyone heard of this office being on the chopping block next?
More Layoffs
More layoffs today at the treehouse. More restructuring more chaos. What’s next??
Private Brands layoffs underway
Omaha and Saint Louis locations impacted today. Don't have any numbers yet. Anybody with more details?
We saw this coming - TreeHouse Food will lay off 375 employees
Layoffs at TreeHouse have been confirmed, at least 375 workers will be let go. This will go hand in hand with the closing of Minnesota and Indiana factories. However, those are not the only areas being hit. People will be also let go in Alabama, even... — read more
More layoffs at TreeHouse Foods?
Any word on if more layoffs coming? Second quarter ended and it was not good! they walked out 16 people after talking about how many jobs they had out for people to apply for. Any word of more sections being sold off? Somebody asked this in a thread... — read more
One successful Quarter
So..... One successful Quarter. Funny the analysts are not that thrilled about it. Specifically mention that cost cutting is nice but does not prove long term viability. Lest us see what happens when the brokers fully take over.
Treehouse Foods rumors
I heard that treehouse foods may be acquired soon - any insights here? Who might be buying the company and do you know the price?