USPS has begun culling its IT/Applications contractor force starting the week of October 9, 2023. I'm aware of a number of Peraton contractors now on the East Coast. I haven't heard of what the hostile USPS upper management is planning for us... — read more
USPS employee’s union protests over layoff fears and changes within agency
A union representing United States Postal Service employees in Charlotte protested Tuesday over fears of layoffs and changes within the postal... — read more
Is it true a USPS driver can make up to 174k a year?
I have a friend that works with USPS as a driver and he told me he makes close to 174k a year. Not sure if I believe him?
Very worried for 2023 !
Sorry for the repost, but; My supervisor just informed me that there were reductions to our benefits coming mid year! Have anyone else been told that? My supervisor (they/them) said to count on a reduction and more would be coming out "soon". I am... — read more
50,000 jobs to be eliminated
Working at USPS
Hello I was offered a job with the USPS as a CCA, city carrier. What's its like to work for them? HR seemed really nice but they said I would be working 6 days a week 10 hour days for the foreseeable future. While not ideal I have no problem with... — read more
90 percent of what is wrong between the postal service and the public. Is the large groups of people who like to start RUMORS AND THRIEVE IN MISERY. Any one who has 30 plus years in the post office knows they CAN NOT LAY OFF A CAREER EMPLOYEE. If... — read more
What's happening?
With everything that's been happening, I'm worried that we might be looking at some layoffs in the next two months. Am I just being paranoid?
USPS is Amazing
The USPS is amazing. In fact, no other logistics company in the world comes close.
Was told by management I would be fired if I called in sick for Coronavirus. I resigned because I got very ill and tested positive. I am a disabled retired veteran. Do I have any recourse? Anyway, expect layoffs and hiring of more PSEs as this crisis... — read more
USPS / APWU - No-Layoff at Danger
USPS is pushing really hard to keep and increase PSEs. They are not even hiding it, they are doing it even if it hurts USPS and the worker. USPS is proposing to the city carriers a few things that may or may not be attractive to they: Layoff... — read more
Downsizing Santa Ana, CA PDC USPS
Not good....
April layoffs at USPS
Here in Virginia my husband office already started laying off workers. This was posted in an older thread two days ago ( @Os8Ixm8-4cdio ) and I was wondering if anybody here had any more info on it? What positions were being cut, how many and is it... — read more
has this been on the boards yet? i replied on an earlier thread, but i think this is important The U.S. Postal Service will make early retirement offers to 26,000 mail handlers and postal clerks this week, in an effort to reduce the workforce due to... — read more
Has this been on the boards yet?? i looked but didnt see..VERY IMPORTANT!! The U.S. Postal Service will make early retirement offers to 26,000 mail handlers and postal clerks this week, in an effort to reduce the workforce due to declining mail... — read more
USPS layoffs announced
USPS has announced new layoffs nationwide, including in Seattle. No concrete numbers as of yet. As if the service was not slow enough already, this is only going to make the bad situation even worse. Good luck to those affected!... — read more
Info on USPS Layoffs: "no strike , no layoff agreement".
The post office can not layoff letter carriers as they have a "no strike , no layoff agreement". The current problems at the post office are caused by mismanagement at all levels. The employee can only do what their told to do by management.... If... — read more
Has USPS ever had layoffs?
I mean, if you get a job there are like protected for life, that's it? Right?
No Strike, No Layoff Agreement
The postoffice can not layoff letter carriers as they have "a no strike , no layoff agreement". The current problems at the post office are caused by mismanagement at all levels. The employee can only do what their told to do by management, if there... — read more
2016 and 2017 Massive Job Cuts at USPS
Do you know anything about massive layoffs at USPS that are slated for this and next year? I cannot locate much information on the internet but there are many rumors floating around that say that possible massive cuts might be coming very soon... — read more
Please get rid of the fat
They outta lay off. Half those people are lazy and collect a paycheck, and their retirement is superior for doing nothing.
Layoffs at USPS in 2015
Has anyone heard about possible reorganization and mass layoffs that can happen in the second half of 2015?