Topics regarding layoffs at United States Postal Service (USPS)

Topics regarding layoffs at United States Postal Service (USPS)

Very worried for 2023 !

Sorry for the repost, but; My supervisor just informed me that there were reductions to our benefits coming mid year! Have anyone else been told that? My supervisor (they/them) said to count on a reduction and more would be coming out "soon". I am... — read more 

| 2457 views | | 2 replies (last February 13, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kxU1nex

Working at USPS

Hello I was offered a job with the USPS as a CCA, city carrier. What's its like to work for them? HR seemed really nice but they said I would be working 6 days a week 10 hour days for the foreseeable future. While not ideal I have no problem with... — read more 


Was told by management I would be fired if I called in sick for Coronavirus. I resigned because I got very ill and tested positive. I am a disabled retired veteran. Do I have any recourse? Anyway, expect layoffs and hiring of more PSEs as this crisis... — read more 

| 4461 views | | 5 replies (last March 18, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+145eNimz

USPS layoffs announced

USPS has announced new layoffs nationwide, including in Seattle. No concrete numbers as of yet. As if the service was not slow enough already, this is only going to make the bad situation even worse. Good luck to those affected!... — read more 

No Strike, No Layoff Agreement

The postoffice can not layoff letter carriers as they have "a no strike , no layoff agreement". The current problems at the post office are caused by mismanagement at all levels. The employee can only do what their told to do by management, if there... — read more 

| 3398 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+LllJPAH

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