Topics regarding layoffs at AEP Energy

Topics regarding layoffs at AEP Energy


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Post ID: @OP+GecSuOz


A tracic ending to such a colorful life. For those of you who know Tom Ward call and give your condolences to him. That's if you can get a hold of him, in between calls and meetings cooperating with the DOJ he's been a busy man. For those of you at... — read more 

What is going on at AEP?

With Cheasepeake, Sandridge, and Devon going through layoffs what do you think is happening at AEP? It is difficult to find any sound info since it isn't a public company. I know AKM has announced several offshore plays recently but will this be... — read more 

| 3931 views | | 3 replies (last March 3, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+G0G2RG2

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