Do you think there will be Jack in the Box layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
How many people work at Jack in the Box?
Do you know how many employees work at the co? How about the HQ at San Diego?
Major layoffs started today
Large amount of layoffs happened today. Most of them staggered over the next fiscal year. Also several high level staff decided to take this opportunity to retire.
It’s great environment and fun working here as you get to meet new people every day and enhance your contacts
It’s great environment and fun working here as you get to meet new people every day and enhance your contacts. We also enjoy work and life balance and can maintain home life very well. The perks we get provided are tremendous and my coworkers and I... — read more
I was flipin burgers and the man did not like my art
I was flipin burgers and the man did not like my art. Got an axe...