Topics regarding layoffs at Vistra Energy

Topics regarding layoffs at Vistra Energy

Vistra Dynegy Layoffs Coming

It looks like Coal is dead in Vistra’s eyes. Many rumors going around that all the coal plants acquired in the recent Dynegy merger will be closed and the luxury of corporate support people in environmental is going to end soon. Everyone at these... — read more 

| 2321 views | | 3 replies (last April 4, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+TMVrMbm

Vistra Layoffs - 600 laid off

Vistra Energy will shut down our two major coal-fired power plants - about 600 employees will lose jobs. WARN notices have been filed with the state of the Texas employment department.

| 1750 views | | 1 reply (October 27, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+PLtGcFT

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