Topics regarding layoffs at Williams-Sonoma Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Williams-Sonoma Inc.

CIO moving out 2024

We’ve been given the “we are thankful for his contributions” email by Laura and Yasir’s inbox is sending automated OOO replies. I’ll miss him, he was a good leader. Looks like it’s open season for tech this 2024… 🪓 — read more 

Laid off from West Elm

New president was hired two weeks ago, and yesterday due to ‘company restructuring’ I was laid off, effective immediately. I worked for West Elm for 1 yr 5m and really enjoyed working with my clients and coworkers. Devastated.

Amazing with full of lies

Amazing how much money made in stock market, how many laid off of those who are now unemployed may never find another job, howe many they will not be able to hire or rehire dye to the mistake they made letting go so many while handing out numerous... — read more 

| 1480 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+170RHNCQ

All part timers fired

All part timers at Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn, West Elm, Rejuvenation and Mark and Graham were fired on July 27th, 2020 with either no notice cause you got a form letter in the mail or you got a call from a General Manager or District Manager. No... — read more 

In American & selfish

They lied. They kept thosevwjo worked average of 13 hours or more in 2019. I found out they got rid if those who worked over 13 hours. They kept their favorites. Those who called out sick lots, showed up late lots, or didn't show up. Also kept... — read more 

| 1279 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+168NZt4o

2020 Layoffs Have Begun

Today thousands were let go from the companies of Williams Sonoma. We were told we could apply for a job during the holiday season. Wow. People with 10, 15, 20 years with the company got a call from the district manager saying thanks and good... — read more 

| 1761 views | | 1 reply (August 16, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+16673ZH5

They lie, we pay

In the middle of a pandemic, we have to pay $1 million to Federal Trade Commission for lying about products being made in the U.S. How many jobs do you think that'll translate into? As if the pandemic wasn't enough, this just adds fuel to the fire... — read more 

| 1229 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+14lzrErA

Williams-Sonoma Febryary layoffs

Just heard supply chain got hit pretty hard, and people are saying there were some layoffs in IT as well. I left Williams-Sonoma about year ago, I'm still in contact with some of my former colleagues, but no one could tell me how many people impacted... — read more 

| 2221 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+XH3PBG4

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