Does anyone know who will be sending out W2’s for old BBB employees? ADP no longer works for me and others who worked there and hoping there is a plan for these to be sent out as usual.
Those who said Bed Bath & Beyond would be gone by 2024, you won. I was one of the naive ones who honestly thought we'd pull through. When my store closed, it was not exactly a shock but it was still something I believed we'd avoid. Here's to moving... — read more
Bed Bath and Beyond Layoffs 2024
Is this going to be an interesting year as it relates to Bed Bath and Beyond layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Rumors are coming out of NJ that bbb will be opening stores again by March 2024
The new Bed Bath & Beyond’s CEO is out just as the retailer transitions from Overstock.com
The new Bed Bath & Beyond announced it was parting ways with its CEO Jonathan Johnson in a sudden and surprising move. Two weeks ago, the company had been soliciting meetings with Johnson for Monday. Johnson had been with the company... — read more
Job search
It’s been three months since my last day at BBB. Is anyone else having trouble finding a new job. I’ve done so many interviews and I’ve been getting the feedback that they don’t want to hire someone who worked at BBB because of the bankruptcy. It... — read more
COBRA, decide by when?
Hey everyone! Who knows the final date for opting into COBRA and when our benefits will be terminated?
Are there any BBB stores left standing?
I left the company years ago but I still feel sad to see what has become of it. I've been trying to find if any stores are still left standing but I can't find any definitive info. I was thinking if Sears still has a few locations up and running, why... — read more
Is this anything?
Now that the Apes are completely scr€wed over, like we always knew they would be, I am wondering... Is this anything?
BBBYQ - The End
September 30, all BBBYQ stock will be terminated. https://investorplace.com/2023/09/dear-bbbyq-stock-fans-mark-your-calendars-for-sept-30/
Do any corporate employees whom last day was July 26 know when the severance will be paid out? I thought there was an email that said end of August but I don't have a record of that anymore.
WARNING TO 401K holders who had $$ in the 3% "Guaranteed fund".....
Rollover and termination of the 401k program through Empower happened on August 14th , and I got my rollover statement showing a HUGE 10% "market value adjustment" according to Empower. This HAS to be illegal. Was told by Empower that on 08/11/23 the... — read more
Medical Insurance
Has anyone received any paperwork stating benefits ended on 7/31. I can't get on another insurance without the paper. I called the benefits number and they say we are all still active.
Is there still anyone left at the company?
Corporate was let go, all stores are closed and emptied, and the brands and website belongs to others. Is there any one else besides a couple of real estate guys, a few to do final accounting, and the lawyers?
Is everyone locked out of their 401k account. I was told that BBB told Empower not to let employees move their money into another account.
How could employees be so gullible to think this dump would survive?
All you needed to know was that the company was not paying rent at its stores during the COVID shutdown to grok that the place was in a death spiral. It had no money to pay the landlords to warehouse goods, pure and simple. Did most of us know this?... — read more
Wave 5 last day
They just announced that July 30 is the last day open to the public.
Extra paycheck
Did anyone else from a closing store receive an extra paycheck? HR called me to let me know they need me to pay it back🤣
Hi-light Reel: BBB Customers
Now that operations are winding down….what are some of your favorite [ironic/sarcastic] things that customers have said over the years. Have fun with it! I’ll start: C: “I want the one (usually art) from up top shelf because those haven’t been... — read more
buybuyBaby auction July 7
There will be a final auction for buybuyBaby assets this Friday. The current favorite, Piscataway, New Jersey-based Dream on Me Industries is not interested in the physical stores. But the stores could be saved if a company wanting to do that... — read more
News of the vaguely related...
Overstock.com will change their name to BedBathAndBeyond.com and is said to be continuing the loyalty program, because why not? After all, what is the loyalty program, if not a preassembled email list? Former BB&B property Christmas Tree Shops is... — read more
Interest In Keep Baby Stores Open Is Gone
https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/23/buy-buy-baby-suitors-lose-interest-in-keeping-stores-open.html But as the auction nears, interest in keeping Buy Buy Baby’s stores open has waned. In particular, the expenses behind running the stores – leases... — read more
No amount of bonus could keep me here
Why would I do them any favors and stay until the end? Not gonna happen. I wish everybody felt this way and just let them try and figure out how to close all the stores without any employees - who they mistreated so hard for years. Sadly, I know this... — read more
Sunday, July 30
That is the word I heard. What is the word you heard?
When does it end???
Long past due....is it 6 27
CEO visiting stores this week
Sue G is visiting the NYC and NJ stores this week. WTF ! Is she going to help put up YOU PAY signs lol.
Bed Bath & Beyond Faces $1.29 BILLION in Impairment Charges
This company always finds ways to sink to new lows! It will be a miracle if anyone actually acquires any of this sh!t show. “We also recorded impairment charges of approximately $1.29 billion, primarily related to store assets. At this point, we... — read more
With buy buy baby being purchased, will some people be kept on?
Bed bath and beyond
You all deserve what you get. This company has been going under for years. If you still work there you are the exact reason the company failed
Closing 115 stores by the end of the month
Does this mean they have a buyer who is interested but says that there are still too many stores. This would bring the count to 135. Could they save the 135 and turn things around. My store is packed to the ceiling with merchandise. The next few... — read more
The chaos is fun
Losing my job is not ideal, but I'd lie if I said I was not enjoying the chaos at our store in these last days. Nothing is going the way it's supposed to and nobody seems to care all that much. I know I sure don't. All I'm doing is milking as much as... — read more
The Street: Bed Bath and Beyond's Baby Gear Retailer Attracts Bidders
Two bidders are reportedly showing interest in Buy Buy Baby as its parent company Bed Bath & Beyond is expected to dissolve. That bye-bye may be a little bit premature, baby. Buy Buy Baby, the baby gear retailer is drawing interest from at least... — read more
You are in a position to demand nothing. I, on the other hand, am in a position to grant nothing.
Stalking horse bid deadline
5 22 5 pm est deadline bid 5 28 Sunday court accepts bid Melted ice after that.
Going, Going, Gone! Bankrupt Retailer's Final Blowout Sale Days Before Closing
Wednesday, May 24, is Last Day for buybuy Baby. I guess this explains the pallets of baby merchandise we received in our BB&B... — read more
Complete chaos
Store 53 receiving department is in complete chaos. 303 Fed ex was received on Tuesday. 855 was received on Wednesday which had to be uploaded piece by piece by the operations manager and receiving manager. 695 was received on Thursday. Not to... — read more