Woodward lays off workers in Northern Colorado after difficult quarter The company, which makes controls and control system components for the aerospace and energy industries, declined to say how many workers were let go. It has two campuses in... — read more
WOODWARD laid off all contractors April, 2 2020
WOODWARD inc has laid off all contractors as of April 2, 2020 due to Covid-19 related capital loss.
Woodward is adding headcount in 2020
What do you think will happen in 2020
Outsourcing Work - There are a lot of good people here that will be losing their jobs
We are way y top heavy. We continue to create many titles for VP’s - we have VPs for this VPs for that, VPs for everything. Now we are outsourcing electronic board build outside the country, how low is that... Also, what about promoting from... — read more
No company is that solid especially in cali.
No company is that solid especially in cali.
No Woodward is pretty solid here in Cali - I am just a worker so I might be wrong, you never know what managers think.
No Woodward is pretty solid here in Cali - I am just a worker so I might be wrong, you never know what managers think.
Is woodward closing any plants in california
Is woodward closing any plants in california
Another round of cuts is in the works
Another round of cuts is in the works. A part of IT department will be outsourced, and cuts in HR and Finance are expected. Woodward is not on a good path...