Topics regarding layoffs at Cox Automotive

Topics regarding layoffs at Cox Automotive

Something is up

Seeing several long time, highly recognized and loyal employees voluntarily moving on. Looks like they were already looking at options because they were tired of the constant changes and uncertainty going forward.

| 2559 views | | 3 replies (last January 3, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1k0zbmeq

F150 volume vs Tesla volume

Tesla is winning, and the Detroit News calls out Farley for his comparisons: The Model Y is passing some household names along the way. Ford, for example, sold around 562,000 F-150 pickups last year. It looks like Tesla's SUV probably overtook the... — read more 

| 1195 views | | 3 replies (last November 18, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jj4sx1z

Opportunities to grow

I'm always self-critical - perhaps I should have tried harder, but no matter how hard I tried, I didn't get a chance to advance. I'm interested in your experiences? Did you have enough opportunities to grow here? I am not satisfied and I am thinking... — read more 

Opportunities to grow

I haven’t had much chance to grow here. I don't think I lost five years here, I'm happy with how much I was paid for my work, but as far as career growth is concerned, I can't say too many positives about that. Maybe it's just me? Perhaps for... — read more 

Would you go back?

Would you go back to Cox Automotive if you were laid off? Laid off in 2020 under "Covid" and have been contacted about other jobs in different departments. Just curious if this ever ends well or will it be another every year or so worry to be part of... — read more 

| 2190 views | | 3 replies (last January 9, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1evMqPnA

Being forced out

I'm being forced out and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm being bullied, lied to, and my every move is being watched. I'd go to HR to report this but I know there's no use. I know of people who approached HR before and had nothing to show for... — read more 

| 3243 views | | 5 replies (last January 5, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1d2p8k3j


Cox automotive has the most arrogant “POS” as the VP of product for the DDS environment. A sheep in wolves clothing. Then the VP for software, is just ignorant. He is over his head and doesn’t realize his own ignorance to the DDS environment. ... — read more 

| 1843 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1cWLpS2A

Bitter truth?

cox automotive they are a joke, only a matter of time before all the big automotive companies have their own tech, and competing products, like car max finishing acquiring edmonds... everyone at cox surprised and hurt their biggest dealer client is... — read more 

Layoffs in Feb?

Been hearing we can expect a major round of layoffs before the month is over. Not sure how reliable the info is, so if anybody knows if is this true or not, please let me know. This is not the time to add unnecessary stress to my plate if there's no... — read more 

| 2438 views | | 1 reply (February 5, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+19fh4EDd

lay offs coming soon

Coming soon to a Cox Automotive department near you! Will it be you this time? Get ready! Hope you over "quota", not that it matters, they'll still chop your legs off right before the holidays over quota or not. Its all about who's ego you've been... — read more 

| 2402 views | | 5 replies (last November 1, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+17IguRYx

Irvine campus

Anybody know if they are trying to close Irvine offices? The KBB offices. Many have been laid off there and I wonder if they're going to move to another location. Or they shifting work to Texas and Georgia employees? Maybe remaining employees... — read more 

| 1569 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+16y4bn6J

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