Per Cali WARN - 80 to be cut in the Bay Area
Last day is in March 2017 - no media coverage so far, to be frank, nobody cares:
Corporate units
Heard most of the reduction will be in corporate. Is this true? Does anyone know which sites? And when to expect? Nervous as hell, think this time I won't dodge the bullet. Not that I'm not performing well, but I have that horrible gut feeling. Hope... — read more
500 jobs to be cut
Buckle up, the bloodbath is starting. AOL have just announced, this time they are laying off 500 people. That's more than 5% of workforce. Not to mention that this is just the beginning. Expect much more layoffs when Yahoo deal comes through. Good... — read more
CEO's memo about reduction
Here is Armstrong’s full letter about reduction: AOLers - Over the last 3 months, we have solidified the operating plan we will use to propel AOL to our 2020 goals and mission of Building Brands People Love. Our process forced us to look at our... — read more
How is Verizon treating you?
Hmmm. I know they outsource a lot.