58 years old nurse death after 2 low doses, NHS plans to the NICE for a phases rollout of Tirzepatide (Mounjaro or Zepound). News form Medscape More to come ?
Is it dominant across the company? I came onboard relatively recently. My team is really competent and efficient with resumes and results to prove it, yet our immediate manager is buzzing around our heads all the time. He is not exactly a specialist... — read more
Eli Lilly Layoffs 2025
If the market makes a turn soon, do you think there will be Eli Lilly layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Lilly starting layofff in Canada immune team ,thé next one diabètes team. Any more info on this? Should any other teams be worried?
Why is this forum so quiet?
So much chatter on other large company forums on this site. Why is the Lilly forum inactive? Where do employees go to discuss Lilly?
Eli Lilly Layoffs 2024
If the economy turns around, do you anticipate any Eli Lilly layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
IT Layoffs
I am hearing rumors about layoffs coming in IT. Any truth to this rumor?
No need to worry
Things are going great right now and I don't see a need for layoffs. The weight-loss dr-g itself will make sure our following quarters are showcasing both major profit and revenue growth. If the management feels the need to lay people off in a... — read more
New Lilly Manufacturing Sites
Now that Lilly is building a few new Manufacturing sites and expanding another how do you think this will impact the New Jersey site?
Eli Lilly Layoffs 2023
How likely is that there will be Eli Lilly layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Any thoughts on how much the Twitter fu-kup hurt us? It was a major image blow that will haunt us for a while, that's for sure. Having to come out and say that no, that good thing that we've supposedly done? We didn't. As unrealistic as that tweet... — read more
Any groups impacted recently by reallocation? Any reallocations planned for 2023?
2023 VERP
Another VERP for Lilly in 2023?
Global reporting structure
From what I understand, some sites will soon be reporting into Global. Mainly Quality roles. Will this lead to any layoffs?
June 1st announcement
What is the buzz with June 1? Organizational announcements? Cut backs? Or just rumors?
Everybody is burnt out
They expect too much of us without providing us with appropriate tools (more people) to do it. We don't need layoffs, we need hirings.
Eli Lilly Layoffs 2022
Have you heard anything about potential Eli Lilly layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Why am I hearing about layoffs once again? We don't need to get rid of the people. The business is booming, The stock keeps going up. And yet people are saying we'll be seeing more layoffs as soon as Q1 next year. I honestly can't understand why... — read more
What's the impact of Corona Viurs on Eli Lilly
What's our next step? What needs to be done?
How many people work at Eli Lilly?
What's the total headcount? How many employees work at Indianapolis?
More layoffs before the end of the year
I heard rumors we'll have some more layoffs before the end of the year. Can anybody confirm if this is true or not?
Eli Lilly Layoffs 2020
Do you think there may be small/medium/large Eli Lilly Layoffs 2020? Any news or rumors?
Eli Lilly Layoffs 2019
Do you predict that there will be Eli Lilly Layoffs in 2019?
Another VERP
Is it true that another VERP will soon be offered?
Lilly Layoffs (Last day January 31st 2018) - Lilly Bridgewater
78 people will be laid off in Bridgewater. So much for "no layoffs at Lilly" like some posters claim.
Lilly VERP
What's the best way to arrive to a decision here, should I stay or should I go? Any Lilly folks here who may be able to chime in?
When will re-org announcements be coming out, I can't focus, its,been way too quiet!,
More info on layoffs
The US target for layoffs was 2000. They hoped to have most come from VERP, with a max of 2800 VERP packages to be allowed. Each site and division will be looked over and reorganized based on who left. Don't expect and management leavings to be... — read more
VERP Acceptances
It seems the acceptance letters have all gone out and everyone has been approved. Numbers are still under the 2800 they hoped for. Does this mean a round of layoffs are to be expected soon?
New job postings
Communication has been minimal, so it's nice to have this site to rely on for answers. I see jobs are being posted. Is this to back fill those retiring? It doesn't make sense?? Or are people going to have to start bidding on there own jobs?
More layoffs due to low acceptance of early retirement packages
2500 will come from the US and not as many people are taking the early retirement package as thought. Has anybody else heard more about this? I have been hearing rumors about more layoffs, but this is the first time I am hearing about low response to... — read more
Retired from Lilly back in 2010
Loved it. I know it's not easy now.
Eli Lilly Layoffs 2018
Is this a joke? How come now we are talking about layoffs in Indianapolis.
NJ Manufacturing Site
Does anyone know what will happen with the Branchburg NJ site, will they still Manufactue Product on site? I heard a lot of areas will be outsourced and reduction of upper management.
It was (at one time) one of the best jobs ever
I retired from Lilly last December and it was at one time one of the best jobs ever but now it's a joke. All the CEO and upper management cares about is about how much can they f--- over the working people and line there pockets. When you can pay the... — read more
Lilly - DBU Layoffs
A quick question regarding Lilly's plans to lay off DBU reps? Do we know the magnitude of layoffs, or any subgroups withing DBU rep population that they are planning to target (more than others)... I am really annoyed with the way how they are... — read more
How long until we know?
Don't you just hate this? Eli Lilly announced layoffs, and now they're just going to let us stress over it and speculate about who will and who won't get laid off for who knows how long. Who in the world thinks this is a good idea for company morale?... — read more