Topics regarding layoffs at Hortonworks Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Hortonworks Inc.

People getting tapped on the shoulder this week....

With Sales Kickoff happening in Feb. they don't want dead weight on airplanes. Sales managers came back from HQ last week with new territories and now Cloudera/Hortonworks are thinning the herd. Less than 10% of sales, but, many big earners are out... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+XhHVvzi

Cloudera Merger impact

Not really sure how Clouder merger impacts things but we'll see soon enough. Cloudera had a bunch of layoffs this summer and there will be some overlaps in the back office, finance, IT, HR, marketing - you name it. Not sure how much and what... — read more 

| 1835 views | | 1 reply (January 7, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+VE7mUCq

Desperation is starting to show

Open head-counts are getting slashed, People are leaving en-masse and the penny pinching is going into overdrive. I was also asked, by my manager, to go to and either fake a negative review of our competitors (MapR and Cloudera) and/or... — read more 

| 2420 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+QmBzxZd

Why is Hortonworks issuing another round of stock?

Why is Hortonworks issuing another round of stock? If they beat estimates, I don't see any purpose for this. It is causing the share price to plummet. 34% today alone: $10.91

| 2035 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+FwjADGb

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