KfC has fallen into the trap of downsizing their product to keep profits up in a very tight business. They are using a smaller bird and cutting up in twelve pieces instead of the old eight pcs. They are pricing themselves out of the competitive... — read more
List of Closed KFC Restaurants
Here is a list with almost 300 closed KFC restaurants - I got the listing from yelp and they have a flag that tells the visitor if a location is closed or not - here is the full list: AL - Chelsea - 16383 Highway 280, Chelsea, AL 35043 AL -... — read more
KFC Carthage - Health Department Closed it
Mississippi Department of Health has shut down KFC in Carthage, Ms... Anyone knows what happened? This happened on Tuesday October 30,... No note on reopening and I am sure this was not a small event.
50% of UK outlets temporarily closed
Running out of the ingredients, hmmm, chicken shortage... http://www.bbc.com/news/business-43110910 KFC has closed more than half of its 900 UK outlets after delivery problems meant they ran out of chicken. Last week, the fried chicken chain switched... — read more
2012 was brutal - 2016 will be even worse
people change taste, more folks are focusing on healthy eathing - we'll see a lot of drops in our industry and layoffs in 2016
Clean up in Corporate?
Anybody heard news?