If the market makes a turn soon, do you think there will be Scholastic layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Scholastic Layoffs 2024
If the economy turns around, do you anticipate any Scholastic layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
So many things are wrong with Scholastic
We have horrible management that works against each other instead of with each other, something that is then reflected by their subordinates. We have unreasonable workloads and have to do our work mostly using outdated technology. Our pay is below... — read more
Scholastic Layoffs 2022
Have you heard anything about potential Scholastic layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
DR passed now what
Now with DRs passing, any ideas what will happen next?
Hang onto your hats. Cengage is selling off a piece to Pearson.
Scholastic Layoffs 2021
Do you think there will be Scholastic Layoffs 2021? Any news or rumors?
Massive Reduction in Workforce
Due to Corona shutdowns massive layoffs. Over 50% book fair sales division GONE. People with 10. 15, 20 years all terminated.
How many people work at Scholastic?
What's the total headcount? How many employees work at NYC?
Scholastic Layoffs 2020
Do you think there may be small/medium/large Scholastic Layoffs 2020? Any news or rumors?
Leave now
Sorry late warning. We have some new layoffs coming before end of quarter. Mostly due to the bad revenue and mismanagement of vendors.
Scholastic Layoffs 2019
Do you predict that there will be Scholastic Layoffs in 2019?
STS needs to be shut down
If you are a female developer, BA, PM or QA, you have to leave. Misogynistic pigs run the department. I have been verbally abused and I am not the only one.
More layoffs tomorrow I New York
Not sure which dept yet. It will be coming tomorrow.
Clubs and Ecommerce IT
What's new - any updates here?
Layoffs 2018
Please post any updates or what you hear about possible layoffs at Scholastic in 2018. There are so many rumors, not sure what to believe.
Hate to break to all the Business Analysts
Sorry BAs, it was decided that most will be laid off in the new year and that PMs and SMs can do both jobs in the new year with POs
More layoffs next
We have to layoff a handful by next week according to senior management in IT.
Scholastic Layoffs 2018
Whenever things are not the best or are going bad, we react with layoffs, let's see if this affects folks in NYC.
More layoffs on the way
We have more layoffs coming. All the write downs from classroom books, content, and clubs keep mounting. The fact that we are now trying to sell off ed group means we are in trouble.
I heard there will be more layoffs this week and the week after
Now that the new stores have launched there are going to be a slew of more layoffs. We have have zero traffic since launch and people seem to hate the design choices we had to make
Layoffs in MDM
Looks like this team will be all laid off in the next two weeks due to another loss in book clubs revenue
Any news on layoffs?
We're closing on the start of a lot of back to school activities, and we usually hear about a chunk of layoffs. Wondering if anyone has any news?0
Not an agile enabled community
Being laid off for the 2nd time at scholastic has worn on me. I left a lucrative job to come here to be a program manager but in honest fashion, i find my lost in the shuffle that is madness that has been created and the loss of my self in the hands... — read more
Scholastic is a train wreck
I came into Acholastic thinking it was a great place to work and in the almost year I was there managing several projects, I saw many terminations of people who were doing their job and spoke up against the red tape and politics going on there. Great... — read more
Scholastic Layoffs 2017
How come that we cannot find any reasonable rumor or info about layoffs in NYC.
Management Needs Serious Help
I have not had a serious raise in 5 years or the ability to move to a next level position as an editor. So many people are leaving that makes me want to consider taking a package and find something at another publisher
They keep cutting benefits, 7 years in the row Pay is not that great Small layoffs If you a dir or up you will be taken care of
This is how i felt when i worked with people in STS. Good luck to anyone who remains. Unless of course you are a female.
Anyone here think that Satbir and all his ugly twits from Pearsons are just taking away money for their own. I think they all need to be fired.
Satbir, you have done nothing for this compnay. Go away and ruin another company like you ruined pearsons