I still remember his slogan,"We are investment advisors" as he ran CHK into the ground with bad investment decisions. Of course we had culture crammed down our throat from spider Webb who collected millions for being totally worthless.
Some changes are needed
Nowadays all this place is good for is to learn and leave very quickly. Unfortunately, I stayed too long and now I feel stuck, and it is increasingly clear to me that it can only get worse here. I doubt that anyone has much hope that there will be... — read more
Just wait and see what Happens to drilling
With your newly appointed CEO, will come a nice chain of old shizzy leadership from CHK. You better hope he doesn’t bring his ole friend Roi Lam, VP of drilling with him. Your problems will be 100X fold. That guy and his cronies kept the strip clubs... — read more
CHK v2
When I left CHK and came here, I didn’t expect this to happen until Doug came over as COO. Doug’s actually a really great guy. He is well spoken and his actions has the right intention. He is not perfect by any means. He tends to surround himself... — read more
DL as CEO? Are you fooking kidding me?
DL is a pizza sheet. He drove CHK into the ground. What is wrong with corporate America that promotes losers to the highest possible positions? Continental is totally fooled.
Harold is Hungry
Chomp chomp. Wait till he makes the run for DVN.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but CHK and their leadership is a dumpster fire. Here we are bringing this into our company. Wtf Ham??
The 8-5 is outdated
I'm tired of hearing about our local peers (DVN, CHK, etc) having every other Friday or half-day Fridays off while we continue to work the same 8-5 Monday - Friday workweek year after year. Most of them are even transitioning to flexible or hybrid... — read more
We are blessed
I just wanted to thank CHK for passing on this f’en gem! SMFH!
Trouble ahead
In a usual CLR fashion, hedging seems to be a foreign concept, so exposure to low pricing is high. Harold believes he can will into reality higher prices, but not even his investment in Trump is paying out that great. He is also touted the company... — read more
Continental doesn’t do layoffs they just fire people
Company will stoop to the lowest level to justify terminations. They will also contest unemployment benefits for the people they let go.
Why do we keep hiring CHK fired castoffs? These people are id--ts!
It's very stable right now and keep it that way
I just hope things continue to be stable...
Acquisition by Exxon is coming!
Exxon is looking to acquire one of three companies, EOG Resources, Pioneer Resources, and Continental Resources Inc.
Continental Bakken Shale Effective 3/3/2016: Blanket Layoffs for lease operators with time in service not exceeding 19 months.
Additional layoffs on a case by case basis. Total number not currently known, more to follow
Devon just announced layoffs are we next?
Do you think we are in a better position than Devon or are many of our fates being determined? Another very gloomy day with little light on the horizon. How much longer can we keep up appearances? My gut feeling is bad.
Continental OK Area Well blow out
Just recently heard caused by Recon Petro OK district, Canada company, screwed up caused the well blow out..... Recon junked also junked Chaparrals wells & flip their truck on a continental & chaparral locations with major safety issues, buyer... — read more
Any news?
It looks like people are getting the axe all over. Does anyone know anything about Continental?
Terminations happening at CLR
They are being called terminations due to performance. This type of layoff is done quietly as to not raise concerns in the company. They have been happening and will continue until prices recover
Continental Layoff rumors
I heard rumors that Continental would by laying off field personnel in the bakken and people in the corporate office in OKC. any body hear other wise cause I thought we were safe from the axe as we run so lean anyways.
Any cuts at Continental Resources in 2015
I am with EOG, we just started with our layoffs, just wanted to see if you might have been doing a bit better. I am still with EOG but might need a job very soon.
CR - North Dakota and Montana Layoffs in 2015
Bakken is not doing well, that's my understanding, we might be having some layoffs this year (2015) - we did prepare well and I am hoping for the best