Topics regarding layoffs at Kelly Services Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Kelly Services Inc.

Kelly Services layoff the Apple project today

Just learned today 1/31/2025 unknown amount of people were let go on the Apple project. So far I haven't been but no details yet. Any information would be nice to know from others on this project.

Job eliminated

I was told last week that my job was going to be offshored. Personally think Kelly is going under.

| 771 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1pBgCLaH

Is this the start of the breakup?

So kelly announced sale of the euro business yesterday. start of a total breakup?? would not have happened under carl or george.

| 542 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1ppw0EP8

Groundhog Day Again?

Hearing that more and significant layoffs are coming in the next few weeks. Whole departments or what’s left of them are likely to be impacted. Cutting the cord swiftly instead of drawing out the inevitable leading in to the holidays is the... — read more 

| 1683 views | | 8 replies (last October 26, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1oFD3PBW

Layoffs happening

Today I was laid off from Kelly and told my last day is tomorrow. Was told they do not refer to this as a layoff, rather a job elimination due to economic impacts. Was told by my other internal connection I have relationships within leadership, no... — read more 

| 8428 views | | 17 replies (last September 2, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kLOXZG7

Tammy Browning is a clown

All the good acts continue to leave Tammy’s circus. Kelly OCG used to be the darling of the company. Peter Q. Do something before it’s too late..

| 1700 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1h68Kzhv

Kelly Scientific

Rumor has it that folks walked off the job?

| 1315 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1gIVkvdR

No new rumors?

I came here to see if there are any new juicy rumors and there don’t seem to be any.

| 930 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1bORrHoE

Q4 earnings report

Just a little light reading for those who are interested in Q4 earnings report and what that could mean for the future of the company. Revenue of $1,241,000,000 decreased by 7.25% year over year, which beat the estimate of... — read more 

| 2433 views | | 2 replies (last March 23, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+19vbB5bC

The coronavirus and medical

This is a bad time , and Kelly does nothing for the employees If you need insurance you have to sign up for the ACA. You have a 9000 dollar deductible before the insurance even covers anything. You have no way to contact HR except by email... — read more 

Is Kelly laying people off again?

Once again the 10 floor is treating the company as though it was a science project. Don't get caught in one of their experiments. Be proactive. Update your resume. There is blue sky on the other side and the grass is greener than Kelly green.

| 1723 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+13H98Iby

SIA Top 100

Everyone is proud to be part of a company blah blah. I threw up in mouth a bit when i saw the folks from Kelly. Peter Quigley - Hes a good guy, well liked, but not a mover and shaker. Tammy Browning - Only in her job because of her pal Deb Thorpe... — read more 

| 4770 views | | 8 replies (last July 1, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+13Cmh1Vz

What's Going on Kelly Peeps!!!

How's 2020 treating you? It's usually around this time when Kelly starts to lay off good people. So don't get too comfortable. Especially if you've been around a while. Clean up your resume and be proactive.

| 1280 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+13oRO2nB

Deb Thorpe & Peter Quigley don’t get it

The company had the right idea in concept. We had managers and VP’s who oversaw regions with zero growth for many years. They had to reduce the levels between the C-suite and the customer. The only problem is that the system they put in place... — read more 

Don't Drink the Green Kool Aide

Get ready folks!! There's a real good chance that Kelly Services could be sold before the end of the year. Adderly children probably want to cash out and get their money.. With the announcement of last week of the corporate campus being sold and... — read more 

| 1947 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+12AFyS9k

Kelly Layoffs 2015

Anyone has more info? What about Kelly layoffs in 2016?

| 1820 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+Db6328W

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