No posts before it hit?
Unexpected or not?
I read here that some have already been laid off and that the notice surprised them because they did not expect this to happen. Is it possible that someone thinks they are safe? Of course, you should never worry ahead of time, but never think... — read more
Layoffs next week
Unsure how deep
How safe is GERE right now?
I was considering transferring, it'd be nice to know if layoffs are something that happens all the time or just occasionally, every couple of years.
Just got the notice - 25 out of the 44 in Schenectady are from Renewables
Mostly from IT in 53. Will happen this week.
Layoffs in renewables digital
Hearing rumors of layoffs in renewables digital before the end of the year. Anyone else hearing this?
Sch customer solution stinks
Leadership has taken a nose dive over the past 2 years. Buddies taking care if buddies and promoting attractive women vs purely based on capabilities. Layoffs coming soon as they look to combine Sch and Greenville.
Hydro business: now what?
Now that GE is buying out Alstom from the Renewables JV, are they finally going to get rid of Hydro? I mean, they sold it 10 years ago, right?
GE Renewables - Best franchise ?
Is GE Renewables the best part of GE now ? No discussions on layoff board, means team is fully busy in achieving some great targets ? Or ? I am new to GE REN and painful to see what is happening around in GE
Fieldcore Merger?
Hearing rumors that all hourly employees will be shoved over to Fieldcore after the first of the year. Hardly any talk of renewables in all that’s going on the last few days, this is all I’ve heard. Anybody got any updates?
Onshore Wind Layoffs within 3 Weeks
I learned from my HR manager today that we will be laying off hundreds of people in The US and began preparing us for the conversations. Here is the narrative spun: we need to invest in new products and increase margin Here is what all leaders know:... — read more
Did they have layoffs in renewables or do you think they are going to have layoffs in the future?
ge renewable energy layoffs in 2017
do you have any updates here? who's affected and what are the numbers? locations? levels? number of people affected? please share if you have any info...
I am considering taking up a job in GE RE India. How is the work culture? How is the business doing?
GERE Is a new unit, it grows fast and there are no layoffs
If compared to legacy businesses that GE runs GERE is fairly good and there are no layoffs