The NJ Supreme Court has now ruled that Sanford Brown students can the school and Career Education Corporation sue for fraud... — read more
Any news?
Campus closings, layoffs?
Obama Reform and CECO Resistance
I'll bet CECO PR are working overtime trying to get the public to believe that government oversight is a bad thing. Business-friendly Obama is giving CECO and other for-profits two years (2016)to get a judge to overturn any executive... — read more
Anyone employed at a for-profit college needs to contact the New York Legal Assistance Group
Anyone employed at a for-profit college needs to contact the New York Legal Assistance Group. Your stories are important & you could be included in a class action lawsuit against your school if you have information on any types of fraud committed... — read more
A for profit school owned by Career Education Corporation
A for profit school owned by Career Education Corporation. CEC also owns the following schools: "California Culinary Academy, Brown College (Minnesota), the Harrington College of Design, the Brooks Institute of Photography, Brooks College, the... — read more