I don’t think any of this is magical but I’ll give Staples a few suggestions. sell stuff people want. Post it notes/printer toner were cool a decade ago. They no longer are. Finding new products is critical. Sell in adjacent categories. Do... — read more
Was it a mistake for Staples to go paperless?
Maybe we can start by using paper for everything. Circulars, paper check (no direct deposit) , hard-copy company newsletter, etc.
Dept of Education crackdown
Hearing news that Trump plans to shutdown the department of education. Would this have severe impact on Staples contract businesses?
Staples Computer and Programming
Is anyone else having major Computer and program issues. Why do I need to restart my computer 3-4 times today to do my job? Let me know what department your in and the problems your having.
How are the new Tarrifs going to affect Staples ?
More store closures
Found out a few days ago several stores are closing in march Newington CT,Minnetonka MN and several more. Rumor is by the end of 2025 there will be 500 stores closures. Staples is a dying company ! They are just stringing everyone along to stay... — read more
Who made the decision?
I was a part of the mass layoff back in November. While I was told it wasn’t personal, other members of my team still remain today. I guess it would be nice to have some closure as to why it was me and not someone else. Thoughts?
Firewall space
Firewall configuration has been redone… entire building “green” and now 1 dedicated space for “yellow”… why no communication on it?
Recruiters let it slip
They aren’t hiring back laid off employees. Even if the person cut was A plus talent. They will hire from within. They don’t want to pay more and use it as a quick hook layoff fail safe. The direction is to also low ball salaries right now... — read more
What’s the bonus looking like this year?
Anyone heard what the bonus is looking like this year?
What’s in store for this year?
Merry Christmas
Folks I know this year has been tough. I am one of you. I lost my job this year due to favoritism within the VP level. My boss chose a-s kissers over talent. This Christmas was hard this year. My kids and spouse didn’t get to have the Christmas they... — read more
Another layoff
I’m so tired of this sh-t! Seems like another layoff being announced 1st week of January - they are trying to remove middle layers in merchandising
5 days in the office
How long until this happens? By June?
Have any of you had luck with finding another job?
I’ve been trying for months now, and nothing. All I found was not even worth considering.
We are not robots
I can’t do the work of me, the guy you laid off, and the woman who quit because she got fed up with your bullsh-t. I’m not a fu--ing robot, how is that so hard to get? I’m this close to walking out myself, and good luck finding someone else willing... — read more
Severance Pay?
For those who were let go, when should we expect our first severance check?
Management at the trough
Tired of seeing poor management reduce good teams to tired, overworked shells of their former selves. Lets give more pay and bigger titles to those managers who have cr-p leadership skills, and frustrate the dedicated workers on their team to the... — read more
How many people were let go last week?
Looking for a rough headcount.
Ph--k you John Lederer and SLT
That is all
A week gone by
Well, it’s been a week since many of us were taken out like yesterday’s trash. Job market is not great this time of year, outside the temp holiday help. Don’t know why I stayed with this company so long. Crazy sense of loyalty, I guess, but that... — read more
What sinks first
Advantage Quill com Hitouch So many terrible leaders and yes men/woman left. The good ones are all gone.
SLT is the problem
I think we can all agree. The senior leadership team has been the problem for the last five years. The ideas stink, and it’s costing families jobs.
More Changes happening?
Anyone hearing of more changes happening?
It must be November, time to go
Got to hand it to Staples, last Thursday big Believe and Achieve awards extravaganza and this week Tuesday’s 11/12 layoff.
We should have been given a chance to volunteer
I'd have been more than happy to walk away with severance.
Getting booted may prove to be the best thing that happened to me
I already got to the point of literally hating my job. The fact that Staples has been falling apart hasn't helped the feeling. But I’ve been with the company for too long, became complacent, and didn’t bother with looking for another job. Now that... — read more
What happens to teams that were decimated?
I can't imagine halving a team and expecting them to continue doing the same amount of work as before. I also doubt that there'll be a mass hiring event to fill those positions any time soon (I know the goal here is to get cheaper employees, but I... — read more
Happy Thanksgiving!
It happened to me three years ago, and I could not be more thankful to be gone. There is such pitiful management in every department, CM and CP. They make their $200K + salary, not including bonuses, and only care about themselves, not any of the... — read more
Don’t let this bring you down
It doesn’t matter that you have proved to be a skilled, competent and productive worker. It’s about the bottom line, not you. It’s the fault of management, not us. Always remember that being laid off is not the judgment of your performance, but the... — read more
Layoffs 11/12
Post any layoff updates here. Good luck to you all
Good luck tomorrow
Fingers crossed for those who badly need a job to get to keep it. To all the rest, I hope we all find something else and preferably better soon.
Lay offs tomorrow
Layoffs happening tomorrow, confirmed.
Rome Sales Excellence Brown Nosing
I heard there were some real brown nosing and politicking to save jobs over there. Also, certain leaders were talking about not bringing layoff people back. Would rather hire friends and cheaper labor. Would love some clarification if true.
Inside Knowledge
If your manager has to rank you or is asked to rank their employees….layoffs are coming. If you are a manager or director and you are asked to rank employees, someone is getting cut. Buckle up….rankings are happening.
Believe and achieve awards
Fu-k these ba----ds. Giving out awards while laying off good people. I was told I was family. Don’t ever let an employer call you family after 20 years of sacrifice and service only to lay you off and not hire you back. They call you family, run... — read more
I feel stuck here
I’ve been trying to find something else ahead of all store closings and probably more layoffs. We obviously have no serious plan for restructuring and growth, and it doesn’t make sense to just wait to be booted. I’ve been trying for months now, and... — read more
Staples Layoffs 2025
Do you think there may be small/medium/large Staples layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
November Layoff Thread
comments flying around in different topics discuss any potential November layoffs here
Microsoft Expiration
Does anyone actually know if there is any meaning behind those that got the expiration message or if it’s just really horrible timing?