Topics regarding layoffs at Community Health Systems Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Community Health Systems Inc.

Is there anybody left who likes working for CHS?

I used to work here, but I left a few years ago for greener pastures. The only thing I liked by then were the people I worked with. Everything else went from bad to worse really quickly and was constantly trending downwards. I came here to check... — read more 

| 2880 views | | 1 reply (January 17, 2024)
Post ID: @OP+14VZQVqE

This company is the Titanic

This company is the Titanic. Corporate greed at it's finest. The Bethlehem SSC closing is a blessing in disguise. This is a disgusting and uncaring company that's about to implode. Sorry to all the good people that got screwed. Hope Wayne Smith... — read more 

2020 Layoff

Bethlehem Service Center for CHS is being closed July 3 2020 - all employees to be let go

CHS / Forward

CHS plans to expand, we'll see what happens

| 1410 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+VTeiA91

More layoffs coming to Community Health Systems

Number one, we were right. The last layoffs were much higher than an announced 70 people. Number two, according to the latest interview with CEO, we can look forward to more. Oh, he doesn't come out and say it outright, but it's more than implied in... — read more 

Are layoffs done for now?

Does anybody know if the layoffs are done for now? The official story is that around 70 corporate employees were laid off this week, but from what I'm hearing, the actual number is significantly larger, which is why I'm worried that more is coming... — read more 

We are not doormats!

I’ve been with CHS almost 3 years and it never ceases to amaze me on how much favoritism is apparent in my department. I’ve seen some of our managers belittle another employee just to gain popularity within their clique. Do you really think shaming... — read more 

| 2740 views | | 1 reply (June 8, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+RmGUbJ2

Lousy patient care

Most of us here at Community Health Systems take our responsibilities in health care very seriously. We have a dedication to patient care to provide a better quality of life, so it can get very frustrating to work with antiquated materials that are... — read more 

| 2010 views | | 1 reply (January 6, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+R5RuqW1


Several weeks ago a co-worker and I were told by our supervisor that there was a strong possibility that there would be layoffs early in 2017 at the corporate office. The thing that got me was that he said that one of the criteria would be age. I... — read more 

| 3203 views | | 1 reply (April 23, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+MCjMh1A

2016 CHS Layoffs? Not if you ask me!

Fort Wayne, IN 426 jobs open, hiring right now Knoxville, TN 273 jobs open, hiring right now Ocala, FL 216 jobs open, hiring right now Franklin, TN 189 jobs open, hiring right now Scranton, PA 173 jobs open, hiring right now Fort Smith, AR 150 jobs... — read more 

| 2581 views | | 1 reply (May 25, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+G1lGOKP

CHS Franklin Layoffs

People in Franklin are concerned about layoffs but we hope it'll not happen - good luck to all and I hope all turns out to be very good

| 1863 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+G1cwlRZ

Hospital Layoffs in 2016

This is the prediction, let's see what happens and if job cuts will happen in 2016 and maybe 2017. I would think that since more people have insurance under Obamacare we should be making more money and there should be no layoffs, but at the same time... — read more 

| 2554 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+D9WR8eu

2014 Layoffs

Anyone? I left in 2012, wanted to see if Community Health Systems had layoffs recently (heard some rumors)

| 1831 views | | 1 reply (February 12, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+xyO0i7d

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