Any thoughts?
Where did it all go wrong for us?
Spent 7 years at Concho in NM, best job I ever had In Terms of pay and benefits. Made it to cop but after a bit had a chance at a smaller private company and took it. Where did it all go wrong for us? My opinion the buyout of RSP, paid high premium... — read more
New Mexico
What’s happening with New Mexico? everyone divesting tonn of assets? Is it due to regulatory environment? Is it not worth drilling or producing anymore with new no emission rule?
Have they started yet?
Good luck all.
Y’all ok?
Sure is quiet on this board.
Years of Service calc.
Do I get credit for previous years of service if I worked for ConocoPhillips prior to coming to Concho. This could be significant if severed.
So long Concho
It's almost time, sad ending but I enjoyed the ride. Not sure what the future will hold for us but still grateful for the past, the job and benefits changed my life and were greatly needed. Like the old saying goes, nothing good last... — read more
Years of service calculation for severance?
if you moved from a different company to Concho do the years of service at previous company carry forward to concho? Reason I ask is they do this to determine vacation time so why would it be done on severance determination? It would help a little... — read more
Any Idea what Severance packages look like?
Any rumors on what severance package may look like?
Midland Question
Visiting from the ExxonMobil (XTO) board. We’ve had our 20% cost of living adjustment cut and our savings plan match eliminated. We also don’t have an HMO option for insurance just an expensive high deductible out of network plan. Is the grass any... — read more
Long-time ConocoPhillips’s employee here. I’m hoping to be “let go” gracefully with EOI and wish this merger and combined company well. But, that said, y’all need to be aware of the backstabbing poisonous culture at ConocoPhillips’s. Be prepared to... — read more
Concho management did not look out for you
They only looked out for themselves. Will you get treated the way we treated companies we bought? They got the same great packages, will you? But they want us to stick around and work for them again...?
Plain and simple
I can guarantee once the acquisition is completed heads are going to be on the chopping block. To put it bluntly, make sure to have a contingency plan in case your head is on it. I have friends across all industries that have been laid off and it is... — read more
Anyone wanna buy some Concho swag?
I have been reading between CXO and COPs pages in here. It's concerning that COP staff seem to have such disdain for their own company, especially the SPIRIT values. Is the Power Point thing from the same person or is PP really a big deal over there?... — read more
Get ready to relocate.
Probably less than a year the offices will be closed and everyone will be moved to Houston or Bartlesville, Ok. Finance, IT, HR will go to Oklahoma and the rest to Houston. Hopefully they’ll offer a relocation package....
10 Things
As a ConocoPhillips’s employee I’ll offer you some insight into our new company. And don’t forget (because our managers and leaders won’t) WE are taking over YOU. (1) For your career and annual ratings/rewards, it’s better to look good than be... — read more
Layoffs/Pay Cuts?
I hate being someone who worries, but does anyone got the facts????? I see all these rumors but people keep saying they're BS.
Conoco Pension Freeze?
Just saw this on Conoco's page If they freeze the pension what the hell does that mean for us?
The biggest question in all of this unknown.
When the cuts are made and the Midland dust settles (jk, we all know it doesn’t ever settle)........... will the Joe Cone still be there for us?
Everyone laid off
Everyone will get laid off, take the package and run.
Buckle up, redundancy is expected
The media mostly writes about the consequences that a possible acquisition would have for ConocoPhillips, but there is no mention of what that acquisition would bring us. I'm afraid there will be a lot of redundancy, but the question is how deep will... — read more
Farewell Emerald City
Well the saying every dog has there day... welcome to the club COG. Nobody knows what the future holds anymore. A governor who wants to end Oil & Gas. Seems like that buildings in SE NM could be for sale soon.
Why am I reading about this on other boards and not this one? What’s the word friends?
Stay away from this place!
Ok hired almost 10 years ago. Never ever did this company prove true to what I was offered at hiring as far as what I was offered... bonus, stock, advancement vacation, etc all was B.S. promises and I turned down another offer with a much better... — read more
What's the latest on more layoffs?
Any news?
Most stressful place I've ever worked at.
Concho is not what is purports to be in a highly recognized BEST WORKPLACE company. Most stressful place I've ever worked at. The lazy employees are either protected by poor management or recognized for doing what they do NOT do. What about... — read more
Layoffs are here.
All 55 and older are being offered VSPs. Who knows what happens after that.
It'll get worse before it gets better
I just wish I get my job back. Good luck.
How many will be laid off?
Concho was planning to cut spending by 33 percent even before this whole pandemic thing hit. Now that's a whole lot of layoffs right there. But add to that all the losses caused by the current crisis... I'm scared things might turn out much worse... — read more
Just got word that the layoffs have begun here at the Office! Permian Basin
Layoffs Permian Basin??
Getting a littled worried, heard some rumors of layoffs here in the Permian Basin. Anyone know??
Things are looking horrible - Concho Resources may have layoffs soon...
This is bad. Shale drillers are staring down the barrel of the worst oil bust yet. Not good at all.
Toxic work environment
Morale continues to go lower.
Low Morale
Morale is extremely low, no turning back. So bad, upper management forcing people to attend the holiday party and taking names if not attending. When did we get to this point? Pretty sad. They are doing everything to maintain their image rather than... — read more