Feeling eerily similar to FY23 at this time of year. Hiring freeze around this time last yr, this yr they are saying the org is ahead of it's hiring needs instead of calling it a freeze. No promos happening until the new fiscal...same message as last... — read more
As Q1 approaches, any word on a second round of layoffs?
Note to NetSuite
To the middling middle management at NetSuite: get a clue! Whatever your criteria for making layoff decisions besides covering your clueless as--s , it would be nice to understand or have explained. Ugh! You truly should be gone as you add no value... — read more
does anyone know if there will be a second round of layoffs? I am nervous hoping it is over Any insight or opinions welcome
Have layoffs continued today?
I'm hearing conflicting reports, and I'm not sure what to think.
Laid Off Account Executive
I was laid off this morning from my Account Executive position. My manager called me in the morning and it seemed like they were reading off of a very generic script. When asking if this was performance based, all my manager could disclose is that it... — read more
Account Executive
Account Executive laid off today. 14 months in that Role. Feels like shorter tenures and remote employees got axes in higher proportion
IC3, Laid off today
Just got laid off today, IC3... Got the call from a VP stating it was all across the board. Severance package 4 weeks + 1 week for each year at Oracle...
Chin Up
hi all - my two cents - i still think netsuite is a great company to work for. we've had several years of growth, and i've seen this place go through a lot of changes. but times were good, and as the saying goes, good times never last forever. the... — read more
2020 Layoffs
Layoffs invade NetSuite.... The axe-man was right. Management met all this week behind closed doors. Hiring freezes are put into place. Layoffs will (and are currently) impacting Consulting this week. If you think you're safe behind NS, think... — read more
Does netsuite ever layed off people?
I see no news on layoff on this thread - haven't they ever layed off employee?
List of Discontinued ERP Products
The full list in comments
they have a great product, it's a bit overpriced, but the product is supe flexible
they have a great product, it's a bit overpriced, but the product is supe flexible
NetSuite was first introduced in 1998 as NetLedger
NetSuite was first introduced in 1998 as NetLedger. As a SaaS application, NetSuite requires the use of a JavaScript enabled HTML 4.01 or higher compliant web browser to access using HTTPS (HTTP 1.1 over SSL) over the internet. In general, this... — read more