Latest mahindra cars highly unaffordable and have low grade components- middle class IT pros can even think of owning one with current low pay in tech sector.
planned pull back of out income by corporates and government thro artificial inflation (price gouging)
MRP of every consumer item, vehicles marked by 100 -300%. to benefit corporate hospital mafia, Medicines especially are marked up by 500% to 900% to loot folks with health insurance rendering the corporate group health coverage practically useless... — read more
We should be able spoil career of bad and biased managers by word of mouth
We should be able spoil career of bad and biased managers by word of mouth
Dont be frustrated by managers dishonesty and bias, Spread the word about bad quality of managers in the company.
Dont be frustrated by managers dishonesty and bias Spread the word about bad quality of managers in the company. it is not jusdt company giving feedback to your next employers.(recently Techm with drew offer to a lateral who was an old employee... — read more
If you want to quit toxic work places and still survive dont buy cars, apartments in big cities invest in regular income schemes instead
In India If you want to quit toxic work places and still survive don't buy cars, apartments and stop shopping in malls and big retail - invest in regular income schemes instead . The small money you are making by keeping your physical health and... — read more
What a chut company
What a fu--ing collosal waste of talent and culture....a company known for enterpreneurship and agility is run by FOOLS who only learnt how to lick boots...Licking boots is the new culture incorporatede by Mohit BosDK, Atul So jaa( he doesnt do... — read more
Grim situation - major downsizing inevitable
Grim situation - major downsizing inevitable
CEO Designate developed cold feet may backout - in view of imminent BNFs collapse
CEO Designate developed cold feet may backout - in view of imminent BNFs collapse
No budget earmarked for Award purchase for the past two years
No budget earmarked for Award purchase for the past two years
Be a chooser - quit the toxic workplace -
The fact that you are still here make you person worthy of getting rid off. For management, the proof of your manager writing lies about you is not you being able to rebut point by point, Getting a better offer with higher pay and higher position... — read more
all set for delivery failure - large scale staff exit due to narccisst managers
all set for delivery failure - large scale staff exit due to narccisst managers
Tech Mahindra restructuring plan, including layoffs
Tech Mahindra restructuring plan, including layoffs. Anything new at end of November into December?
CEO to be shunted out soon ?
CEO to be shunted out soon ?
mangers in Tech mahindra - young, incompetent,immature narcissit jokers (labelled as smart)
mangers in Tech mahindra - young, incompetent,immature narcissit jokers (labelled as smart)
lots of non IT services technology jobs opening up - Quit tech mahindra Now
lots of non IT services technology jobs opening up - Quit tech mahindra Now. Take my word they will offer 3 time your current pay. Now nasty practices and corrupt middle management layer in Indian IT services firm is well known. one guy works and... — read more
retirement age updated to 50 years - 25,000 staff to be sent home soon
retirement age updated to 50 years - 25,000 staff to be sent home soon
TechMahindra - could there be a less organized company?
Found this group to have very weak leadership. I saw guys/gals with 20 years experience reporting to people with 2 and 3 years of indirectly related experience. Good folks but just not seasoned. Big titles, very little horsepower. Well meaning... — read more
M&M vehicles prices increase every 3 months - time to give salaiy hike to staff very quarter
M&M vehicles price s increase every 3 months - time to give salary hike to staff very quarter. Also since quality of verhicle partalso comes down as price of vehicles is increased, tech mahindra employees also entitled to do less work for higher... — read more
pune office closing as techm ceo wants to move work to east europe
pune office closing as techm ceo wants to move work to east europe. wondering why pune office , most inept staff(mostly local managers) work in pune office
Delivery heads and VPs trying to bully people and force them work from pune to extract high rent
Delivery heads and VPs trying to bully people and force them work from pune to extract high rent for these vps and delivery heads own multiple homes and want tio keep them occupied by forcing people to work from how from pune and prevent them from... — read more
why employees not accepting counter offers - why they want to leave tech-m - bad culture ?
why employees not accepting counter offers - why they want to leave tech-m - bad culture ?
More layoffs?
Possibly in February?
large scale involuntary attrition (forced resignation)
large scale involuntary attrition (forced resignation)
high attrition
high attrition
fresh wave of layoff initiated,
fresh wave of layoff initiated, 10 in pune and 5 banglore made to leave today
Price fixing by M&M led tractor cartel under investigation for sabotaging poor farmers India
Price fixing by M&M led tractor cartel under investigation for sabotaging poor farmers India Already found guilty of price fixing of of basic crop reapers tools. Indian family business cartel, sabotaging Indians
m&m AUTO plants heading or shutdown as poor quality results in poor sales - Huge layoff
m&m AUTO plants heading or shutdown as poor quality results in poor sales, huge layoff in the offing. Still the indian automobile cartel which has now stared to control IT (TCS, M&M etc) is still not lowering prices. demand supply logic they apply... — read more
Mahindra Cars Arriving to Michigan Mahindra plans plant, 2,000 jobs at Buick City site in Flint Deal could be contingent on incentives and U.S. Postal Service contract Would be... — read more
hiring drive for lower cost staff on ERP once complete layoff of old high cost staff to start
hiring drive started for lower cost staff on ERP projects and once sizeable number join the drive is layoff of old high cost staff is planned start old techies to be axed already been identified and feedback based evidence (modifyin gold appraisal as... — read more
down sizing scheduled to start after share buy back ends
down sizing scheduled to start after share buy back ends.
Fake reviews everywhere
This company is making its employees to write fake reviews everywhere to compensate the amount of backlash and negetavity it's recieving from the public. the ex employees who either moved out or layed off are currently tearing this company apart in... — read more
forced resignation in tech mahinda matches the description here Forced Resignations Along the same lines, instead of openly discouraging union activity, some employers created intolerable working conditions with the... — read more
Typical Marwadi company
Typical Marwadi company run by people who are living in the last century. Most of the upper management are lazy old people who refuse to get retired. Company has one goal only that is to keep the shareholders happy. For that they can stoop to any... — read more
This company and its upper management is such a joke.
The company is spending a lot of money and giving themselves stupid awards like CEO of the year Future company of the year Innovative company of the year to increase their brand value CEO c.p gurnani is so desperate to change his tarnished Image that... — read more
Tech Mahindra is buying back their own shares
Tech Mahindra is buying back their own shares to please the shareholders who have lost confidence in techm a long time ago. The upper management is taking desperate measures to prevent shareholders from leaving. I think they finally understand their... — read more
This company is a master at circulating fake news
As Mahindras have a strong foothold among the media they are heavily spreading fake news everywhere to stay in limelight. Company is doing silent layoffs to maintain the margins. Stay away from this company.
Techmahindra canada get rave reviews on glassdoor,13_IL.14,20_IN3.htm 8 Tech Mahindra Logo "*a churn & burn clownshow" Former Employee - Associate-Customer Support in Riverview, NB Doesn't Recommend Negative Outlook... — read more
copy cat mahindra got caought
Company is facing extreme resource crisis
Laterals stay away from this company. Don't get attracted to the massive hikes promised to you. Tech Mahindras biggest clients like ATT and BT has lost confidence in techm a long time ago. Many of the projects are hanging by a thread. Upper... — read more
modi ji ham aapkeliye award kharid laye hai south korea se
modi ji ham aapkeliye peace prize award ki khabar laye hai korea se, app kitni business friendly hai, ham kuch bhi jhol kiya to bhi chalega. Ham 50 saal autoo industry cartel bana ke desk ki praja ko loot liye ab app ki ane se IT me layoff karke naye... — read more