Is SC out now that TF has the same title and job responsibilities?
Layoffs Mud February
Sc already laid off and reorg, projects next. Be ready for the ride.
WFH era ending this spring
will be nice to see so many faces back 5 days a week! Cheers!
Lots of layoff in Calgary Nov 13-14
Big blood bath at the head office this week
Comms Layoffs?
Why do we undergo a reorganization that results in layoffs while simultaneously posting similar jobs almost immediately after multiple roles were eliminated?
Big News
Probably tomorrow. Feels like we are due for the other shoe
GR leak
Did anyone catch the National Post article about our leaked genius tactic to share all of our lobbying tactics at lunch and learns?Brilliant work.
Top 2 guy is out
They announced this morning the CFO is leaving in July. Replaced by a Houston based guy with private equity background. Who is next in line to go pursue new challenges?
There are no bad soldiers, only bad generals..
Well maybe some bad soldiers, but we have too many bad generals. A fish rots from the head, that’s precisely where the cleaning needs to start.
NO Contractors!!!
SOOOO many useless people kept on Contract...Get rid of Contractors!!! What is this "Contractor on Full Time permanent basis"!!! pufff
How was the package?
For those that got laid off, how was the package? Did they include an additional 16 weeks pay due to being federally regulated?
How many layoffs were there today?
50? 100?
Why can't people volunteer for layoffs?
This board is proof that there are plenty of those who want out. Why not give them a chance to volunteer?
Friday, February 23, 2024 Productivity Report
Today's productivity index = zero(0). Way-to-go Project 'Focus'
USNG Layoffs on 2/23/24
Did anyone else get the email? I can’t believe this is happening before bonuses….after hitting record profits. I hope we’re ok tomorrow!!
March layoffs
Been hearing re-org in March as part of the SC3 nat gas integration
Lay me off already FP!
What’s taking so long Daddy??
Time to “Do Better”! …
And start holding our flailing leadership accountable for their mess ups and complete disconnect from what is going on ‘in the trenches’ . These guys feed us the compensation benchmarking stories while other competitors (ENB, PBA etc) pay 25% more... — read more
Lay offs USNG
The directors are meeting currently to finish out the organization changes. Lay offs before Christmas with tweaks in January.
Layoff Rumours
With SCIII in now charge for Canada Gas. Hearing a big shakeup will happen soon. Wonder if it will be before or after Christmas.
Thoughts on the town hall?
FP says they want the best people. Does anyone think FP is one of the best options as a CEO? Probably bottom 5%. Goes for most of his top minions also.
Changes already
Last week the Canadian BU conducted a major reorganization. Supply chain gutted and moved to US BUs, the US BU is about to go through a Major, Major reorganization. Good luck everyone
Now our brilliant leaders have filed to begin the process of selling an NGTL stake. Who put these guys in charge? Sounds like a real bright idea… they are running the company into the ground.
More VPs jumping ship
CGL has chased every senior leader and executive out of this company.
TC Energy "culture"
We need to do something to improve our corporate culture. Managers especially lack a number of skills (people and technical) and have some kind of "hype" and also fear that they can lose their jobs if they hire somebody who has strong skills. How... — read more
Another org change
Does this company really need another org change?
Inefficiency and redundancies
I regret to say this but TC at its current stage is a very inefficient company. I know quite a few departments (especially accounting and finance) where managers lack skills and it drags company down. Managers have no technical or technological... — read more
TCE Splits into Two Companies
What message did you all receive? I think this is a protection tactic. What does this mean going forward?
To the USNG post
You called it regarding changes for the USNG business unit. 40% of Columbia sold, people dragging up, safety department reorganization now in effect, others to follow and not to mention the KDs continue to bully their way to the top!
“invest in businesses that any id--t could run because someday one will”… Peter Ly--h
The shift to U.S
Phase 2 of layoffs in the next few weeks. Shift to the U.S BU. Sr leadership to realign the portfolios July through September is the window. Rumor is 25% cuts however I’m thinking highly unlikely. Good luck U.S BUs.
How bad is it?
Anyone willing to share any details? How many are being let go? What’s the severance? How many moved into the BUs?
Can I Volunteer for a Package?
How do I get my director to let me go tomorrow?
Health is priceless
My health is considerably worse now after some time here. I don't think there is a single person here who, after a certain period, did not start to feel discomfort due to accumulated stress. True? I intend to quit because health is priceless.
Supply Chain?
Does anyone have any insight into what is happening with layoffs in Supply Chain?
Massive layoffs in weeks
Early June cuts to the TechCentre. Up to half the positions (50%) will be cut, rest absorbed by BUs. Then BUs restructured by Fall with up to 25% cuts.
Divesting assets
So any guesses on which assets are getting moved/being sold?
Loss of talent
Recently, the number of talented employees leaving this place on their own accord has increased significantly. All of them possess exceptional skills and have made significant contributions to the company's success. It is truly disheartening to... — read more