Topics regarding layoffs at Fry's Electronics

Topics regarding layoffs at Fry's Electronics

I miss Fry's Electronics

I won't lie, I spent a lot of my teenage years and my twenties in their stores. I even tried to support them near the end, but there simply wasn't anything left to buy even with the best of intentions. I realize that it was not the same store by the... — read more 

| 1110 views | | 2 replies (last February 4, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1ex4tIjE

Worst. Company. Ever.

I started here while the world was in the thick of the Great Recession. Things were tough. I just graduated from the university, and no reputable companies were hiring. So I came to Fry's and lasted less than a year. When you graduated from one of... — read more 

| 1733 views | | 2 replies (last November 28, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1e1VNzII

$260 Fry's Gift Card April 15, 2021 SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Viewers stuck with unspent Fry’s Electronics gift card are trying to get their money back. This is exactly why you need to open your wallet... — read more 

| 1818 views | | 2 replies (last April 26, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1ax3ItRh

Fry's Official Closure Notice

After nearly 36 years in business as the one-stop-shop and online resource for high-tech professionals across nine states and 31 stores, Fry’s Electronics, Inc. (“Fry’s” or “Company”), has made the difficult decision to shut down its operations and... — read more 

| 1379 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+19HXNzG3

I’m really worried

My life turned upside down in one day. Couldn’t they wait a little longer instead of doing this to people at the worst time possible? I’m very worried. I tried job hunting even before this happened but I couldn’t find anything. UI is... — read more 

| 2097 views | | 1 reply (March 3, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+19AU3YxT

Zero notice?

Is it possible that they did not have decency to give any notice for the stores closure? That's just terrible. It’s no surprise, but still... I still can’t help but wonder how they can be so cold towards workers who have obviously always been just... — read more 

Fry’s is somehow still in business?

I am not familiar with the situation in the company because I left Fry’s while this company was still doing great and before Newegg and Amazon appeared. However, I am very saddened by the new headlines in the media. Good luck to everyone!

| 1288 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+19zUyLxo

How long can this last for?

I don't get it, how long can this place keep people employed and doors open at locations that have empty shelves and barely any foot traffic as a direct result of that? I'm usually an optimist and I keep stopping by every month or so to see if... — read more 

| 1596 views | | 3 replies (last February 25, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+19vl6ebr

Hanging on by a thread

This place is on its last legs, no doubt. There have been so many store closures and at my location it looks threadbare, yet we manage to hang on by the skin of our teeth. I don’t know whether I should feel sorry for us, or if we should pat ourselves... — read more 

| 1533 views | | 2 replies (last November 15, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+17N8JPzr


Went into my local Fry’s yesterday in Austin not thinking much of it until I walked into what had to have been a more than 50% empty store inventory wise. Sections of the store had nothing in it. I just could not believe the lack of product and the... — read more 

| 1567 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+176lvXEu

Outside Perspective

I've been a long time shopper at Fry's and from a purely "outside" perspective I honestly believe they failed for two main reasons. 1) They tried to do too much. When I think Fry's Electronics I think primarily computers and PC parts, and... — read more 


Pessimistic Customers said that it was “Scary “ to see empty shelves at frys . What’s scarier? Frys empty shelves or Corona Virus? Because now I’m witnessing everyone panic over this “Deadly Destructive Pestilence. “You will see it with your own eyes... — read more 

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