What are your thoughts about potential Level 3 Communications layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Level 3 dismantling Centurylink
The new Brand on the street? Lipstick on a pig? Level 3 aka Centurylink now...... Lumen and Quantum abandoning Centurylink's failing copper plant . They will take the 2 fiber divisions and sell off copper to windstream or someone like them Hiding now... — read more
Consolidated thread: Corona Virus & Level 3 Communications
What are your thoguhts?
How many people work at Level 3 Communications?
What's your guess on how many employees the company will have before the end of the year? How about the overall headcount? And headcount at Broomfield?
Level 3 is No More = On November 1, 2017, Level 3 Communications officially merged with CenturyLink.
On November 1, 2017, Level 3 Communications officially merged with CenturyLink. As part of the merger, work was required to divest of 24 individual fiber optic lines spanning 30 city pairs as required by the US Department of Justice... — read more
Level 3 Communications Layoffs 2019
Post any information about potential or actual Level 3 Communications Layoffs in 2019?
Level 3 is laying off 50 people from craft staff in mpls ...came from our aps...the struggle is real...bend over greybeards,we are next
Shoe has dropped
Now, try to deny this - so, yes, f---ing yes, layoffs are happening and dont tell me it's fake news any more - ask anyone who knows what's going on at Level 3 and CenturyLink, they will tell you - YES: "As a result of our acquisition of Level 3, our... — read more
Layoffs will most likely happen
knowing the History of Telecom mergers , there will always be layoffs but nothing is certain. The Level3 management from the CEO down to local managers will take over CenturyLink . many changes will be made. Both companies have a long history of... — read more
CenturyLink Level 3 merger
Level 3 management will take over CenturyLink and they will continue in their layoff , sqeeze the worker, run the techs ragged style. To survive will be a challenge . If you are not in the Union . Level 3 management is not worried about your comfort... — read more
Level 3 Communications Layoffs 2018
I wanted to ask you guys here if you heard about any possible layoffs in Broomfield.
Demotions are in the works for Directors>Managers -and- Managers>Individual Contributors to help save jobs. Decisions to be finalized over the next 60 days. The two companies had hoped to complete the deal by the end of the third quarter of this year... — read more
Level 3's CEO, Jeff Storey to become CenturyLink CEO in 2019
http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/news/2017/06/01/level-3-ceo-to-become-centurylink-ceo-in-2019.html On Jan. 1, 2019, Level 3 Communications Inc. CEO Jeff Storey will have a new job: He's expected to become CEO of CenturyLink Inc. CenturyLink (NYSE:... — read more
Get Out of Telecom
Get out of telecom and don't look back. We know the truth behind these big corporations taking over and spying on us anyhow. Don't support the evil that serves to destroy people's lives. Don't work for such demonic entities that ruin lives and use... — read more
Its Happening....
We are getting this info from the company CTL buying your company in a merger. Its in the news stories. The land is up for sale for corporate office of Level 3, The writing is on the wall. Layoffs will occur on both sides. Level 3 is posting jobs for... — read more
Level 3 to layoff all of Corporate office soon. Century Link Selling Building.
CENTURYLINK is selling Level 3 Assets as we speak. They are moving all operations to Monroe Louisiana, so all of you in Broomfield, Littleton and other locations think your safe, YOUR WRONG. No Severance, No Retention, No Nothing. CENTURY LINK is... — read more
Level 3 Communications Layoffs 2017
I know that people are concerned but I heard from someone pretty high up in our corporate office that they planned layoffs but that plan was abandoned, so we are safe here in Broomfield.
If you thought it was bad at Level 3, wait until CenturyLink rolls in
You will get a chance to experience an amazing CenturyLink management style - raw dudes with no college degrees and decisions so irrational your head will spin for hours, days and weeks. CenturyLink has never had a great reputation and I would not be... — read more
More Layoffs and Reorgs Today
fTW employees took another hit as staff in Missouri were dismissed this morning. RIFs are Level 3s Standard operating strategy.
Level 3 Layoffs, Former TW Employee
Level 3 bought TW and has been slowly getting rid of all the former TW employees. The ones that are not laid off usually leave. To date the estimate is as high as 50% have either been laid off or quit on their own. Supposedly Jack Waters was supposed... — read more
Level 3 Communications Layoffs 2016
What is the likelihood of Level 3 Communications layoffs in Broomfield in 2016? Please let me know if you have any information.
The ax is being swung - Level Communications
Many Legacy TW employees who now work for Level 3 Communications (Lone Tree, CO) are being laid off today. All departments, management, techs, engineers. FYI.
Here they come
I have heard (multiple times today) through the grapevine that Layoffs are coming again. This time the rumor is that announcement should come Q4 2015.
I've been with L3 for quite a while and I have never felt so down as nowdays
I've been with L3 for quite a while and I have never felt so down as nowdays. It seems like nothing we do makes difference, with the whole economy in shambles there is very little an individual can do to change situation. I work at Broomfield... — read more