Did anyone get a strategic update meeting invite for Monday? Is this for rebadging?
Always enough money to buy companies, only to ruin them
Uh oh
What does it mean if multiple people in your department got an invite for next Wednesday saying Strategic Update from leadership do not forward?
I landed an offer in an unrelated industry
Insurance too. The pay is lower, but it promises to be less stressful and more predictable. I just hope I won't be disappointed and find that it's not as advertised. I'm mid-career now, and I really don't want to deal with health insurance ever... — read more
Replace McKinsey with Spark
Let's see how long this post lasts considering anything negative about McKinsey or that they actually run our company is removed. Seems we may not want people to actually be aware of that. Anyway, current state Spark makes a better consultant than... — read more
Efficiency Quagmire
Has anyone else noticed that doing the most basic things at this company take a herculean effort? Even sharing ideas, giving instructions, and having people reading your emails properly somehow turns into a mess.
Not sustainable
The RIFS are out of control. The American job market is in bad shape and its not just Elevance. Pretty much every industry is in shambles. I'm not sure how this is sustainable as a country. If anyone is aware of any industries that are doing well... — read more
I’m over it!!!
This culture commons bs and transparency…. the working class is NOT the issue. You executives are the issues!!! Do you know how much we could do for members if you had a normal salary and bonus? Millions of dollars in bonuses are shameful in this... — read more
Transparency is the culture common this month. I laughed out loud. Stop pumping propaganda. You know good and well the very leaders of this company are the least transparent. Model the transparency you want us to have. Talk about RIFs: the why... — read more
Great place to work survey
With so low motivation and morale at work, I am curious what associates will submit in the Great place to work survey and how the numbers look this year. I am thinking most of the metrics will be pulled down. Thoughts friends?
Carelon global solutions Philippines
How many more people here in the states are going to be replaced by them! What happend to elevance used to be great company to work for and it was easy getting help. Now when we call in it’s a mess/ joke. Is this even legal for them to offshore... — read more
If you volunteer to be rifed in indiana can you still collect unenployment?
Asking for a friend who is tired of it all
H1b survival after RIF
Does any H1b here that have been affected in the recent or last year RIF got job?. Can anyone share their experience?. How is the job market outside for H1b especially? Are companies still ready to sponsor H1?
Can somebody provide more info on layoffs that happened this week? Is it real or are people trolling? If true, is it still happening?
Is this a 3rd party company now !
Elevance has officially going down hill. So many offshoring to the Philippines and India,Carelon global solutions has taken over this company. How many people are still here in the states Vs offshored .
This has been in the works for years
After being here almost 20 years looking back I now see that this was their plan all along. To start an official offshore company "LEGATO" now known as "CARELON" get it up and running so that it could eventually take over for a fraction of the... — read more
Are we talking about the same company?
Feb 4 - INDIANAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Elevance Health Foundation today announces its new five-year, $150 million commitment aimed at addressing the physical, behavioral, and social needs of under-resourced communities. We’ve got $150M to spend in... — read more
Crazy times
I joined the company more than a decade ago, and I can confidently say things have never been worse. Everyone’s fed up with everything: layoffs, being overworked, incompetent management, and so on. People just seem done with the constant chaos and if... — read more
Tight Budgets
Was there a memo to the Director level and aboves in Carelon to mention “Funding is tight” as much as possible in meetings to desensitize teams to be “okay” with triple workloads, lack of resources, poor salary, and horrible bonuses? Take the... — read more
Sydney Web/Mobile/IT - very calm - anything big happening soon?
I’ve heard there have been some recent impacts within the Enterprise AI team and other areas. However, I haven’t come across any information regarding RIFs in teams like Sydney Web/Mobile, IT, Solution Center (IT), EDA, or others. While I truly hope... — read more
Preparation is the key
Over 45% of companies expect layoffs in 2025.
Fireside Chat with Felicia 🤣
The bullet point by her name on the invite states she is "recognized among the most powerful women in healthcare" Yet no one can say what one of the most powerful women in healthcare does on a daily basis. 🤔 If someone, anyone, can explain what... — read more
Is this forum private and confidential?
I have noticed that several immigration related threads were deleted from here. Is there a community posting guideline? Or does Elevance management have some pull of this site?
Return Here in 1 Year (q1 2026)
The make it one quarter at time strategy has become visible to customers, employees and investors. The RIFS and project pauses happen to feign growth for investors on a quarter by quarter basis. Gail drives internal competition rather than the... — read more
Town Halls su-k now - how could they be improved?
Honestly not an HR shill, etc. but just looking for ideas/solutions. Here's what I'd like to see in Town Halls: what's happening to our company in the next time frame (quarter, year, etc.) what's relevant in the business right now to ME AND MY... — read more
Transformation Office looking for volunteers -- willing to dedicate 25% of their time?
Interested parties will have to apply and should speak to their manager. WHO IN THIS COMPANY has 25% of their time free to dedicate to this, and if someone does, how stupid would they have to be to raise their hand and say they have that much extra... — read more
With All These RIF's, etc... How Many Are Left?
At one point there were over 100K employees - I believe those were onshore numbers. With all the RIF's and outsourcing and jobs moved offshore, I'm curious how many US-based actual employees are left. I was RIF'd some time ago, so I have no way to... — read more
Carelon town hall
So anyone else think it's in such poor taste to have these high level execs talk about their homes in nantucket, spending time on their boats, etc when everything has gone to cr@p recently between the rifs and insulting AIP amounts? I get more... — read more
Heard from manager that bonuses will be funded at around 40% this year.
Low Morale and not interested in anything here anymore
Seeing these RIFs , have completely lost interest in showing up to work. Just want the day to get over even before it starts . Never had this feeling working here the past 15 years
Any suggestions of good companies hiring remote nurses?
I’ve been here 6 years and I can’t take the daily worry anymore of possible RIFs. I’m a single mom with 3 young children. Feels too risky to stay anymore.
Looking elsewhere
Does anyone know of any other good companies hiring nurses for UM review? I’m just nervous that this is going on basically everywhere. Tired of the offshoring and feeling like my job isn’t secure.
Why isn't it "last one in, first one out? anymore"
It used to be that, if cost reductions were truly necessary, the most recent hires were the first to go. That’s clearly not the case now. Instead, newer employees seem to be safe, while those who’ve been here the longest are the most at risk. How is... — read more
Survivors Guilt
Anyone else broken by these RIFs and have survivors guilt? We know it is not our fault but when our friends go, it’s hard to handle.
Imagine if you will
Imagine if you will: A business where a government mandates you have to buy a product, that same government contracts a company to manage that product, and then that company outsources the support of said product offshore to other countries. Sending... — read more
Got RIF'd this morning
Good luck! Just get an email the night before saying there is a meeting in the morning. No discussion, no individual meeting, no heads up...just a group deliverance to all of us that just unexpectedly became unemployed, that our jobs we work long... — read more
Be prepared as if you will be RIFed Anytime
I have this feeling from last 6 months that I will be let go, it has not happened yet but certainly will happen soon. Just walk into office with a smile that it could be your last and be mentally prepared .Live everyday here thinking it’s a bonus and... — read more
They will not stop until most of our jobs are offshored
If it were possible, they would keep only themselves here and eliminate every one of us. We’re too costly, and they don’t care about the quality of work. Since they can’t realistically achieve that, they’ll get as close to it as they can. I don’t... — read more