Just reading between the lines.
Bose buying McIntosh for Luxury sound!
https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/19/bose-buys-mcintosh-storied-maker-of-high-end-luxury-audio-equipment.html Seems interesting that work acquire a Luxury sound company from a Private Equity firm. Bose may do alright if they can keep their Consumer... — read more
September Layoffs?
In the corporate center lots of rumblings about another round of layoffs. Anyone got any solid info?
Sony signed a deal with NFL.
Bose was unable to make good use of this great NFL tool. Sony seems to have a better game plan. Bose seems to just have chaos.. https://www.nfl.com/news/sony-nfl-launch-new-technology-partnership
Severance package soon.
I will finally know my end date. I can leave this sinking ship that is called Bose.
Bose moving to 4 days in office, Friday flex day
I heard rumors that Bose is changing their Hybrid work model to 4 days in office and a Friday work from home day. Like all big corporations, Bose is moving toward an inoffice workforce. Anyone hearing this?
"Follow the sun" mantra
Why does management like to tout this phrase? My manager will talk about having better "coverage". From my perspective, having software teams in widely different time zones is a negative, not a positive. Trying to coordinate efforts becomes harder... — read more
Does anyone find it weird that the CEO of Bose is moving its HQ to Atlanta where she happens to sit on the Board of Directors for another company headquartered in Atlanta? Or am I being paranoid?
Sonos launches headphones
With Sonos breaking into the headphones game (https://www.sonos.com/en-us/shop/sonos-ace), it'll be interesting to see how this affects Bose. Apple will likely be safe in the top spot (Apple + Beats), so this will probably most impact the next level... — read more
I applied for a role at Bose and got dinged earlier last week, but after perusing this forum I think it might've been a blessing in disguise. I really wanted it after first, but it sounds like the company culture at Bose is beyond repair. Did I dodge... — read more
Layoff April 2024?
It's May 1 and no layoffs happened in April like all you were saying. Awkwaaaaaaaard...
Surprising to see the 251s still being sold, must be the longest running product at this point....sadly.
The issues at Bose are DEEPLY rooted in their insular and disconnected corporate culture
It used to feel a bit like a paranoid cult at times. Volumes and volumes could be written about their self-inflicted wounds and their gradual, then sudden decline over at least 15 years. I recall vividly being addressed in general session by the CEO... — read more
Layoff April 2024?
There are rumors of another layoff in April 2024. Anyone heard of it?
MIT Thought they hit it big… not so much
Well MIT is going to keep asking where is my cheese and at some point is going to ask even harder questions for the seemingly, somewhat naive board to answer. Which just might force their hand. I cant see the pressure decreasing and the execs are... — read more
R.I.P. to CIS-IT
So much of the former CIS has been outsourced over the last 10 years. Now it’s time for the remaining IT brain trust to be pushed out the door. It’s a mystery how a new group of people in Atlanta will be able to fill their shoes? Wishing all my IT... — read more
TheLayoff.com is an asset for Lila
If you are a bad CEO who is lying to and undermining her employees, an anonymous bi--hing blog is your best friend. Everyone employee who is venting his or her stress here is that much less likely to be building networks of coworkers to undermine bad... — read more
Layoff Feb 2024
How’s everyone holding up?
Any guesses on when the post-holiday layoffs will be?
Seems inevitable....
Bose has lost its core values
Employees are now treated like dirt. This is a completely different company from what it was ten years ago.
Bose less than half of what it was at its peak?
From a people and revenue perspective, is it true that Bose is now less than 1/2 of what it was at its peak? Has it seen the bottom yet? Without significant new product introductions, the only thing seemingly keeping it alive is automotive and the... — read more
Total number of laid off employees
Is there a way to know how big was this round?
Any news on Next week?
Hearing of a layoff coming next week, Nov 5, 6th - any news?
Seems like lots of veterans are VEROing?
What’s the acceptance rate for the current VERO? And how did the offer compare to previous rounds? It seems like the numbers are high.
Last day for COBRA?
Hello! Can someone share the deadline for COBRA acceptance and the termination date of our benefits?
Everything is Awesome!!!
https://ca.news.yahoo.com/bose-ceo-customers-dont-want-222148639.html https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2023-09-14/bose-ceo-lila-snyder-talks-headphone-hype-podcast Being a private company, there is no requirement to prove these claims via... — read more
RTO Mandate
Given recent internal company messaging, big cuts will likely be required in the future. Early retirement is step 1, and oddly specific/rigid return to office mandates are step 2. Once everyone has retired or quit, then the landscape will be assessed... — read more
Was not expecting this news today! Who else got an email? I wonder what the offer will be… and if this is a precursor to another layoff?!
Q1 end is near, what is next?
More messy middle? Whats the scuttle? Has the bottom been confidently found?
(C)2023 Transom Post OpCo, LLC - done deal, Pro no longer Bose owned
Sold to Transom Capital Group - see bottom of https://pro.bose.com/en_us/index.html https://www.bizapedia.com/ma/transom-post-opco-llc.html - " The company's principal address is 145 Pennsylvania Ave, Framingham, MA 01701", aka the (previously) Bose... — read more
The white-on blue "BOSE" sign on route 117 in Stow hasn't been removed, and it was decaying. Somebody removed the "O" from both sides of the sign. Today, I drove by, and there's a brand new BOSE sign, in standard Bose Corporation white-on-black. As a... — read more
Goodbye Pro
Transom (Firtel) likes to buy companies in trouble, gut them, downsize them, and wring as much capital out of them as possible. Goodbye Pro. After decades of being considered a bad joke in the Pro Audio world, Bose finally gained some respect in the... — read more
Cuts can’t fix this mess
*Cutting lifeboats, each cut is a lifeboat leaving. Pro, PTS, retail, all of these cuts are never coming back. If the root cause is bad business all the cuts in the world can’t make this move. Eventually the assets will be gone and nothing else... — read more
Seems inevitable…
Not sure how Bose is going to make it into the next few years without more cuts. Growing from where things are will take more time/patience and money… all dwindling over the last 5 years. I would predict more sales and marketing cuts… engineering is... — read more
2023 Layoffs
Has anyone heard if there will be layoffs coming? Usually this time of year is when the rumblings start.
Next layoff
How many people will be dismissed when the sad holiday sales numbers are released?
Interview with Lila
https://www.theverge.com/23482627/bose-ceo-lila-snyder-interview-headphones-noise-control-apple-airpods-bluetooth-cars Interesting thoughts?
How's that new 'equity' doing for bose?
After Dr. Bose passed away the essences and values went into the toilet. "Me too" bose is just another audio company now. Yawn.
Bose ki---d sports open earbuds