Topics regarding layoffs at Bose

Topics regarding layoffs at Bose

"Follow the sun" mantra

Why does management like to tout this phrase? My manager will talk about having better "coverage". From my perspective, having software teams in widely different time zones is a negative, not a positive. Trying to coordinate efforts becomes harder... — read more 


Does anyone find it weird that the CEO of Bose is moving its HQ to Atlanta where she happens to sit on the Board of Directors for another company headquartered in Atlanta? Or am I being paranoid?


I applied for a role at Bose and got dinged earlier last week, but after perusing this forum I think it might've been a blessing in disguise. I really wanted it after first, but it sounds like the company culture at Bose is beyond repair. Did I dodge... — read more 

R.I.P. to CIS-IT

So much of the former CIS has been outsourced over the last 10 years. Now it’s time for the remaining IT brain trust to be pushed out the door. It’s a mystery how a new group of people in Atlanta will be able to fill their shoes? Wishing all my IT... — read more 

Everything is Awesome!!! Being a private company, there is no requirement to prove these claims via... — read more 

RTO Mandate

Given recent internal company messaging, big cuts will likely be required in the future. Early retirement is step 1, and oddly specific/rigid return to office mandates are step 2. Once everyone has retired or quit, then the landscape will be assessed... — read more 


Was not expecting this news today! Who else got an email? I wonder what the offer will be… and if this is a precursor to another layoff?!


The white-on blue "BOSE" sign on route 117 in Stow hasn't been removed, and it was decaying. Somebody removed the "O" from both sides of the sign. Today, I drove by, and there's a brand new BOSE sign, in standard Bose Corporation white-on-black. As a... — read more 

Goodbye Pro

Transom (Firtel) likes to buy companies in trouble, gut them, downsize them, and wring as much capital out of them as possible. Goodbye Pro. After decades of being considered a bad joke in the Pro Audio world, Bose finally gained some respect in the... — read more 

Cuts can’t fix this mess

*Cutting lifeboats, each cut is a lifeboat leaving. Pro, PTS, retail, all of these cuts are never coming back. If the root cause is bad business all the cuts in the world can’t make this move. Eventually the assets will be gone and nothing else... — read more 

Seems inevitable…

Not sure how Bose is going to make it into the next few years without more cuts. Growing from where things are will take more time/patience and money… all dwindling over the last 5 years. I would predict more sales and marketing cuts… engineering is... — read more 

Layoffs are a good thing

Bose has not been a good company to work for years. Things have been deteriorating in every aspect, particularly the company culture. Now we have to deal with toxicity and abuse every day and nobody cares and nobody is doing anything about it. If I... — read more 

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