But wait there's more!
After "re-orgs" were supposed to be done, people are still being told they're no longer wanted. Mind you these were people who exemplified the old Dunkin' culture and tried to hang in there and "ki-l em with kindness". I assume this will continue... — read more
Jumped right in and cashed out …
When asked about the integration process following Inspire’s $11.3 billion acquisition of Dunkin’ and Baskin-Robbins—which closed last December and won a Franchise Times Deal of the Year Award—Jaspon said several Dunkin’ executives “jumped right in... — read more
Same "Stuff" Different Day... As a former employee who was at Dunkin in "the good old days", I'm sad to say I've seen this movie before. Take a look at who the Chairman of the Board is at Inspire Brands. Anyone at DD during his reign as CEO will not... — read more
I miss the old Dunkin
I used to love my job here. I used to feel like a valued employee who was respected for what he brought to the table. I used to have fun and joke around with my coworkers and even managers. All of that is a thing of the past now. We are no longer... — read more
RIP Half Day Fridays
I can't wait to see the Case Study in 10 years about how Inspire ran Dunkin into the ground by wrecking the culture which made Dunkin successful in the first place.
How many of us are still standing?
Will there even be a need for a support center before too long? Between the people let go and those leaving on their own in droves, it'll be a ghost town by the time we're physically back. When does it become less than cost effective to have an... — read more
Fortunately, this is not the only show in town
Even though it was a big shock when they told me I wasn't needed here anymore, I’m happy now because I might have stayed in this miserable company for a long time. It is comforting when I hear people saying that a new job can be found in a very short... — read more
Dunkin - honorable roll
The approximate value of the cash payments that each director and executive officer of the Company will receive in connection with the consummation of the Merger as a result of the cancellation of his or her Company Stock Options (assuming that each... — read more
Another great loss this morning
When will it end? We keep losing GOOD people, GOOD leadership who are choosing to leave on their own. If this keeps happening, there will be nothing left of Dunkin' legacy. Is anyone else starting to wonder that things are even worse than we're... — read more
Operations changes
Does anyone have insight on what’s going to be happening with the upcoming operations changes? Lots of rumors.
Dunkin treats its employees as trush ...
Used cups ... used people
Dunkin, do better!
A job at Dunkin is just a temporary option for me. According to them I should work harder but I think even as it is I work too much since I am paid in peanuts. Can they really not pay us anymore? I think that someday they will have to... — read more
Laying off people in Canton and Hiring in Atlanta
Inspire is laying -off people in Canton and hiring in Atlanta. Blood bath - same positions, same titles, same divisions. Individuals in MA are not even informed of the options or encouraged to apply. This is a very shady practice and not sure if... — read more
Dunkin’, Sonic, and Chipotle have some of the most dissatisfied workers in the biz
Business Insider reports on a recent analysis conducted by multinational investment bank UBS that looked at wages, benefits, and Glassdoor employee reviews for the nation’s major restaurant chains. It found that Dunkin’, Sonic, and Chipotle have some... — read more
Return to Office?
Anyone heard what Canton is leaning towards? Although Atlanta wants us all back by the many comments, I wonder if we will be allowed to make our own decisions in some capacity. I feel if we didn't get acquired, the choices would be ours (depending... — read more
Legacy Dunkin Layoffs 2021
Can someone share Legacy Dunkin Phase 2 target dates? We must be getting very close.
Any news?
Have there been any additional layoffs? It's been quiet.
Impact of eliminating our early release Fridays
I'm sure we've all gone through the emotions of preparing for the loss of what has been a huge perk for us, our early release Fridays. But has anyone considered all the ways this will impact our benefits and pay? Some are obvious. Will our... — read more
Putting in my notice
I’ve spent more than 5 years with Dunkin’ and enjoyed the majority of my time. Then the rumors started once again that small layoffs will continue indefinitely and true or not, I didn’t plan to stick around. I started putting out feelers and putting... — read more
Prepare for the worse
Back in December I told myself that I needed to hope for the best BUT be prepared for the worst. I have always enjoyed working here but like with any company their priority will always be the bottom line. Now I keep wondering how many roles can be... — read more
Second wave of layoffs …
Expect second wave to start in June with the target date of end of Aug. I loved Scott tear up and tell us that they did not congratulate on the promotions. Why don’t you cut us losers first and the celebrate your treason victory! What a sad show... — read more
First phase of reorg
What a sad picture. So many people in Canton were already let go quietly and now official on ounce to of many more whol will depart through the year. A few promotions on Dunkin side cannot hide the fact that Canton team is getting destroyed. Our... — read more
Is the severance pay worth it?
There are many who would like to leave all this immediately, but they do not want to because in that case they will not receive severance pay. I guess severance pay is one of the reasons why tensions have been rising lately, in order to force people... — read more
Why are layoffs being spread out?
Just curious. In reading comments about the other brands post acquisition, it sounded like they were announced all in one day. So many are on edge because of how this seems to be dragging out (don't know much so maybe it's not?)
How long did it take you to find a new job?
I’m getting desperate because I thought I would be able to find a new job much faster, but so far I haven't been successful. I've been sending applications for more than two months, with no results. Dunkin doesn’t care about their employees at all... — read more
Anyone have an idea? It's no secret the first wave is happening this month. I just wish it would either happen already or the date be told.
Upcoming reorg. Who has the insight?
In most recent communication the originally planned April IT reorg was pushed out. It was also mentioned that they are focusing on non-IT departments for now. Any ideas what changed?
Dunkin’ merit
Did anyone receive their merit award?
Will the severance pay be satisfactory?
I also think that layoffs cannot be avoided and now I am mostly interested in severance. Prior to the acquisition, I believe severance has been 2 weeks for every year. Anything short of that is quite honestly shameful considering the loyalty so... — read more
April 2021 upcoming layoffs
Please post here info on upcoming April layoffs and reorg.
Welcome to Boston Support Center!
and shared services.... lol
Compared to others
I have many friends/family who work in other industries. They have been treated pretty badly by their companies. Laid off without notice, benefits cut, $401K matches suspended and much worse. At least with DB it’s not that bad. Others may not agree... — read more
Annual bonuses pool
Annual bonuses pool has to be allocated prior to the sale of the company. I was expecting it to be paid out also at the same time. The fact that pay outs delayed till March is bad foe many reasons They will dangle the carrot so we all work... — read more
Just trudging along
Anyone have an idea on what could happen to employees once the sale goes through? Will there be restructuring and layoffs or is it business as usual? I'm usually an optimist but I thought it better to check if I should carry on as usual or perhaps... — read more
Not long until we’re sold
Some light reading for anyone interested in the progress of the sale. I dread the day this is... — read more
If the merger completes (based on SEC filings) Golden Parachute Compensation. David Hoffmann $ 23,877,612 Katherine Jaspon $ 6,289,382 David Mann $ 4,297,010 Scott Murphy $ 6,523,718 The amounts reported... — read more
Inspire Brands and Dunkin - get ready for a wild ride in Canton
Canton corporate go away to Atlanta Check! C-levels -> golden parachutes -> Check ! Mobile ordering -> ItsaCheckmate Check ! POS systems -> ItsaCheckmate Check ! Layoffs at Sonic original team after acquisition -> Check ! Layoffs at... — read more
There may be an opportunity for new Dunkin' Donuts to open?
For many Dunkin' U.S. franchisees, closing these restaurants will enable them to do greater reinvestment into the brand whether through Next Generation remodels, building new restaurants, or relocating restaurants to higher-traffic areas. Has... — read more
Major store closings announced
We all knew this was coming, but I'll admit this is a larger number than I expected. good luck to everybody losing their jobs as a result of this. Dunkin' will close 450 locations inside convenience stores around the country before the end of the... — read more